Chapter 10: Back to Basics

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Every part of my body relaxes as I slink further into the bath. My consciousness slips and a familiar feeling takes hold of my body. My heart beating quicker, the sweat dripping from my forehead. The bathwater I'm sitting in begins to steam, and my vision is lost in a haze. I feel my very existence sublimate into something greater.

This burning feeling in my chest...the immense breathing becomes ragged.

Dad, if this is your spirit within me...I hear you loud and clear.

Hold on a little bit longer, I'll surpass you one day.

Chapter 10: Back to Basics (Joseph POV)


Abraham shouts, smacking their cane against the same spot as last time, bruising it further. I throw an even straighter punch, sweat flying off my hand onto the mat below.

"Not quick enough...not nearly!"

My hand trembles in the air, and Master Abraham smacks it, causing me to straighten out.


"Young Watanabe...your previous matches have been won off pure luck! You know what your spirit tells me? That you fight in vain!"

Abraham's blank eyes stare through mine as if they're still there.

"That isn't true! I fight to win!"

Abraham's face contorts in rage. I tell the truth to him and he somehow sees through it?!

"Exactly! You don't use your incredible strength to protect? Only to fight? You're a foolish child using their power haphazardly! You don't deserve the blessings you've been given."

My arms ache from being in the same position...I've held this same pose for over 30 minutes now! I shove my arms to my side, relieving the ache in my shoulders.

"Why do you care so much about why I fight?! I just want to win; I don't care about my opponents or about any greater purpose. You told me to win against your son, and I did."

The bang of Abraham's cane against the floor pierces my ears. I look at Abraham's face and his brows are furrowed with anger.

"You played with him...he needs to be killed, not tortured!"

Enough is enough. I'm tired of this old fuck toying with me!


Abraham's eyes are wide, his fist clenching. The anger pouring out of him is palpable. His mouth opens as if he's about to say something, but all at once his fist unclenches and he takes a deep breath.

"I couldn't bear to do it...I couldn't kill my own son when I had the chance. I thought November could change...but I was foolish. My mistakes led me down this path...and I've drug you along with me."

Abraham sets his cane down on the floor, getting on his hands and knees. He's prostrating at my feet.

"I apologize for my indiscretions, Joseph Watanabe. My sins have ravaged not only my family, but they have set in motion consequences that will echo throughout the entire world of martial arts. I beg of you...don't make this father have to witness his own son's death. Fight, and win against November...I can take care of the Zodiacs myself."

Abraham turns his head up to me. I can't help but feel bad for him...this dude in his 40s has more problems that I could ever imagine.

" say I have such an incredible strength...maybe I should find a better purpose for it. I don't necessarily agree to helping you correct your mistakes...but if what you said about November and the Zodiacs are true, someone needs to help out."

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