Chapter 9: The Blind Master

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Jimbo and Misako walk away, leaving me alone in the room with mom. She's still holding onto me tight, her head buried in my chest.

" can let go of me now. I'm...I'm fine."

She looks up at me, her eyes watery.

"Must you push me away so soon? Please...just give me another moment where I know you're safe."

She continues to hold onto me, and I wrap my arms around her as well.

"Those were painful memories, Cain...I couldn't imagine the hurt your heart must be experiencing."

She's not wrong...those images, the scars left behind are burned into my very eyelids. My reality and that experience no longer are melded together, but that face...Chiyo's face...

I can feel my hands shaking, and I let go of the hug. Mom pulls back, grabbing my hands with hers.


"I'll be fine, mom. I...I just need to be better. Jimbo is right."

I stand up, moving away from mom as I sit on one of the beds.

"I'll get stronger than dad...I'll be strong enough to save everyone."

Mom looks at me with a somber expression. Ever since I told her about my training with Jimbo before the tournament, she hasn't once dropped that face. I know what I'm doing hurts her...but I need to feel this out myself.

"You should get some sleep, baby. You've had a long day..."

Mom walks to the door, slowly walking out as she puts on her flipflops.

"I'll be back later, okay?"

I nod, and mom gently closes the door. I'm left alone in the room; the quiet buzz of the AC fills my ears, drowning out the emptiness. I lay back on the pillow, closing my eyes.

I'm tired of that expression on her face...I don't want to make her sad anymore.

This'll be over soon...I'll make sure of it.

"Cain...Cain! Wake up!"

My eyes shoot open, and Misako is face to face with me.

"You lazy bum. Your mom let me in but you wouldn't wake up for 10 minutes!"

"Seriously? Fine...just give me minute, I'm up."

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Misako sits on the chair in the corner of the room, glaring at me.

"Dad said we're heading out to see Abraham. It's a long drive, apparently."

"Another long drive? Great."

I rifled through my bag, grabbing a fresh shirt and some gym shorts. I pull my shirt off, putting some deodorant on as well. I hooked my thumb around my pants without thinking, and I hear Misako squeak from the chair. I turn around and see her hiding behind her hands, with one eye clearly staring.

"I just blanked on you still being here...can you let me change?"

Misako lowers her hands and walks to the door. She twists the knob and gets halfway outside.

"I mean...if you wanted me to stay I wouldn't have minded."

"Wait, what?! Misako!"

Before I can reach for her, the door closes. I hear her laughing outside, walking away.

"Damn it...she's such a tease."

I finish my morning routine, just in time for Mom to come back into the room with a bucket of ice.

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