Chapter 7: Wipe the Crimson Past (Misako POV)

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With my bag in hand, I sluggishly walked to the truck. Opening the door, I slide into the front passenger seat and silently eat my sandwich in peace.

"Hey darlin', anything interesting happen?"

"No, not really— AH!"

The sheer shock of not being alone makes me jump, and I accidentally fling my half-eaten sandwich into dad's face. The smack against his cheek is met with an unbroken, disappointed stare.

"I'll ask again. Did anything interested happen?"

"Don't give me that look dad...I was just trying to get some food!"

"Your hunger could've jeopardized your life."

God damn it dad...

"Stop treating me like a kid! I'm tired of you underestimating me. Were you watching me the entire time I was in there?"

I watch to try and see dad's reaction, and see his eyes roll slightly.

"Not the entire time..."


"Fine! The moment you slammed the door—"

"I didn't slam the door!"

"Sure sounded like it to me. You woke me right up from my sleep."

...Did he really watch me the entire time I was in there?

"Listen. I saw what you did in there, and I'm impressed. Taking on 16 guys is no easy feat. I'm very proud of you, but you could've gotten seriously hurt."

"Dad, I was fine. I can handle myself; you're the one who trained me, you don't have to keep worrying about me."

"I just...I don't want to see you get hurt. I still don't like that you want to keep fighting. I worried about you enough when you were you're such a big girl; fighting on your own, making your old man proud."

Don't say it like that dad...I'll...

My lips can't help but frown as my throat dries up. I feel my eyes watering as I look towards dad.

"I don't want to lose anyone, daddy...I want to keep fighting and protect you and Cain!"

I leap into his arms and let it all out, gripping onto his ripped-up shirt and sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'm scared! I'm more scared than I've ever been, and I don't know what else to do but fight!"

I look up, into dad's eyes as tears stream down my cheek.

"Please daddy...please don't give up on me. I want to get stronger and fight. I promise I'll make you and mommy proud...please!"

Before I can plead with him more, dad wraps his arm around me, holding me against his chest. I see him holding back tears as he sniffles.

"She already is kiddo...her and I are so proud of you."

Dad caresses the back of my head, holding me tight. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. The silence in the air is calm, as I close my eyes, continuing to hug dad.

Whatever may come...I won't let my family get hurt. I won't let Cain be a flash in the pan...that boy's dreams will burn brighter than the stars in the sky, I promise.

"Mmm...stop it..."

Huh? Is that Cain in the backseat?

My eyes shoot open as I stop hugging dad and look in the back seat. Cain's face looks weird and his body writhes and shifts in the back seat.

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