Chapter 6: Rip The Mask Off (Misako POV)

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My left cheek is still burning after that slap. One of the chairs had caught my back, but my entire body is still sore from my fight with Drake...

Watching dad lay into November brings a chill to my spine, making me shiver. I've never seen dad this angry before...he's like a raging bull. I still can't shake off that feeling when November was about to grab me...

'How quickly could I tear off her head?'...those words keep ringing in my head.

Dad grabs November's leg and picks him up like he weighs nothing; with a swift extension of his arm, November is flung into the audience and makes a crater in the bleachers.


Dad screams into the air, his body releasing an enormous amount of steam. I can feel the pressure of his heat from the bleachers, like my mouth is getting dry. Just as he's about to launch after November, he falls to his knees.

"NO! NOT...YET!"

I have to go help him! Cain is still passed out on the ground; we have to get out of here! I get back up to my feet and sprint towards dad. I see a guard behind him approach with a knife, and my heart starts pumping even quicker.

"Leave my dad alone!"

With one leap into the air, I cover enough distance to swing my leg at the guard, smooshing his face in with my heel.


I try to hold onto his shoulder, but the heat of his skin burns me.

"Ah! Dad are you okay?!"

He turns to me, and his wrathful expression softens. I feel the heat around him start to subside, and he's able to get back up to his feet.

"Grab Cain...and move."

"What about you? Your arm was cut off!—"

"I'm fine, just follow my lead!"

Dad runs up the bleachers to our seat, grabbing our bags and slinging them around his good arm. I bend down to grab Cain and heft him onto my shoulder, following dad to the exit of the building.

"Fuck you're can you pack on so much muscle even though you're a few inches shorter than me?"

Cain is still unconscious, so I try to keep my movements minimal as I swiftly follow dad. We reach the staircase, having to push through numerous people attempting to exit alongside us. Whoever was here to just watch normal martial arts matches...definitely sucks to be them.

"Only a bit further!"

Running up the stairs is killer on my legs, I can barely feel them as we reach the top and return to the old tailor's shop.

"Stop right there Jimbo! We have orders to—GUH!"

Before the guard at the door can finish speaking, dad gut punches him without a second thought. He crumbles to the floor and we speed off down the street, back to the parking garage. Running up a few floors, we finally reach dad's pickup truck.

"Get in! We need to get on the road quick."

Dad tosses the bags into the passenger seat, opening the backdoor to let me get in the backseat. Luckily dad's car is pretty spacious, allowing me to lay Cain down in the back seat and letting his head lay in my lap. The moment I click my seatbelt, the engine of the truck roars to life and dad immediately peels out of the parking garage. I hear his seatbelt click after getting to the second floor, and in a matter of seconds we're already out of the parking garage and onto the street.

My heart slows down, the adrenaline of the day wearing off as I lean my head back on the seat.

"Do you think we're gonna lose them?"

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