Chapter 11: To the Edge (Drake POV)

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I didn't get to kill Cain, or his girlfriend...but all I felt in that time was rage. Watching November kill one of his own 'friends' is making me feel...something else.

"Please I'm begging you! It was one!— GAHHH!"

In one casual motion, November extends his right arm out, piercing Gemini's heart.

"I...won't...mess up...again...!"

"You're right. You won't get the chance to mess up ever again."

November takes a deep breath. As he exhales, a light blue aura surrounds his body, centralized on where his hand meets Gemini's ribcage. I'm watching as the life seeps out of this man's pores until there's nothing left. When November told me I was going to inherit the reality of one of his 'friends' and that he'd have to perform some ritual...I wasn't expecting this. Now that I'm here it's just a means to an end.

"I forgot to ask before, but why aren't you taking Gemini's power for yourself? You're clearly stronger...why not use it to take care of our problems?"

"I can only use these abilities temporarily. If I don't transfer them to a willing host, they'll wisp away to be claimed by another soul."

The shining blue aura increases in intensity around November's hand. Gemini's hands are gripping his arm as he looks up to November. His eyes are drooping, barely able to focus. I turn back to November.

"What makes you think my soul is willing?"

"That energy you showed before was monstrous, just like your father. You know, you and him are alike, yeah? You awakened to your own reality without my help, though. Michael needed my assistance to coax the chains off, so his power was naturally stronger; you on the other hand, are getting a second reality altogether."

"I'll do anything to wipe Cain off the face of the planet. The entire lot of his people deserve to be executed."

The glowing aura intensifies once more, and Gemini falls limp onto the floor as November pulls his hand out of Gemini's ribcage.

"This rush is intoxicating...if only I could possess this power permanently."

After he speaks, November closes his eyes to focus for a few seconds. A black tar gushes from his body, as if every pore is excreting this substance. It glops onto the floor next to him, then steadily forms into a clone of November. Initially the movement is synced, until November walks to face either side of me, allowing the clone to be his mirror opposite.

"Truth be told, those who go through with this procedure end up with a shorter life."

November talks, then his clone on the other side finishes.

"With two realities, comes double the regeneration, double the strength; at the cost of your lifespan. The last person who received a second reality from my ability was ruthlessly slaughtered in a rampage by our dear friend, Jimbo."

Huh? That doesn't even make any sense.

"How does that explain my lifespan being shortened? He didn't die from natural causes."

November and his clone look annoyed at my question. One of them sighs and the other continues talking.

"It's all theoretical. I haven't had useful candidates for my reality in quite a long time...but as far as my knowledge goes, the effects are as I stated before. Now, let's begin the ritual."

The ritual...

The short knife in my hand, right. November had told me that you need to be on the edge of death. Just a quick slash across my gut...

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