Chapter 4: Reap the Seeds of Vengeance

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Where am I...? I can barely open my eyes...this light is too bright...

"Hey...! What are you...!"

Huh? Who's yelling...?

I try to open my eyes, holding my hand against the burning ceiling lights. I'm able gain back my vision, watching as 4 security guards in white shirts are holding back Drake.


My vision adjusts and I fully open my eyes. Drake has their arm outstretched at my throat, a scalpel roughly a few inches away from my throat.

"You're dead, Cain...FUCKING DEAD!"

"Like...hell...I am!"

I try to lift up my arm, but my body refuses. The very muscles in my arm refuse to extend, the soreness shooting up my shoulder and into the rest of my body.


The only thing stopping Drake from slicing my throat are these 4 security guards.

"I said, get back!"

One of the security guards wraps their arm around Drake's neck, pulling his body back, allowing for the other guards to force the weapon out of his hand.

"Let go of me, fucking mongrels!"

Drake gets pinned to the floor, the knees of the security guards pinning down his limbs.

"This is disgraceful behavior, Frazier. This is grounds for immediate disqualification!—"

"Wait, hold on."

One of the guards talks to the other, receiving a phone call.

"It's the boss."

He picks up the phone and listens intensely. He makes a hand motion across his throat, shaking his head.

"Drake Frazier is cleared. Consider this incident dealt with and separate the two. Both of them will continue on in the tournament, as someone already dropped out."

Drake looks up, furious at the guards.

"Looks like it's your lucky day...our boss likes you."

The aura of displeasure surrounding Drake radiates across the room as he's brought up to his feet and escorted out of the infirmary. Before Drake leaves, he turns back towards me.

"You're the lucky one today, wary of what I can take away from you at a moment's notice. Just watch."


I open my mouth to reply, but my entire body relaxes and my eyes slowly close. I can feel my mind slipping away into unconsciousness. Drake won't get away with''s...

A wind blows past my body, sending chills up my spine. The moment my eyes closed; I felt my mind slip into a familiar place. My eyes open easier this time, and my vision is crystal clear. I'm staring down at the crystalline ground of my dreamscape I've experienced thrice now. I'm hurdling through the sky, high above the ground. The sky from this high view is expansive, clearing past the horizon in a mix of colors I couldn't even imagine.

I hold out my arms to make my descent onto the ground slower, taking in the vast landscape as my breath escapes me.


Huh...? That's talking to me again? I look around and I don't see the shadowy figure. I look at my body, and where my heart is, instead is an abyssal mass of energy spreading across my body.


"I...I do! I have to! Who will give my life purpose besides me?!"

Descent into Infinite Mysteries [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now