Chapter 3: Legacies Reborn

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I'm eyeing Drake closely as he moves in for his assault. He throws a left hook, and I dodge right, he throws a right hook, and I dodge left. I back up with every punch he throws, eventually hitting the cage. This situation isn't advantageous, he's got my back literally to the wall...I've gotta start moving!

I put my arms up to my face to block a barrage of jabs. Drake's speed isn't something to scoff at. I move my arms in parallel to his attacks, blocking a punch to my gut. I spread my arms too far, allowing Drake to slip through my guard and slam his fist into the side of my ribs.

"Guh! Fucking bastard!"

"You can't run from destiny, Cain! You and I are linked...your father's sins must be put to rest!"

I manage to slink out of my disadvantaged position. Drake and I are circling the cage. Drake tosses a jab at me, and I swat it away with my wrist.

His style is precise, calculated blows...he doesn't want to make this a bout of attrition. Every strike he swings has a large amount of energy behind it, I wont be able to block him forever.

Drake leaps into the air, swinging his right leg towards my temple. I'm able to put my guard up in time and block it!

I'll grab his leg and drag him onto the floor—WHA?!

My arm is hooked with Drake's foot he swung with and pulls it down. In a split second, Drake's other leg swings at my jaw, slamming the ball of his ankle into my mouth. My head slams onto the ground and my vision blurs. In the distance I hear a familiar microphone whine.


I crumble to the floor, barely able to open my eyes. My vision is fading as I can just barely see Drake moving towards me. How in the hell did Drake do that?! That's not even martial arts...that's...bullshit!

"I'm glad you showed up tonight. You saved me the trouble of trying to find you myself...and you even brought an old friend of my dad's here too."

I tilt my head up to look at Drake as he crouches down, making a gesture with his thumb, slitting his throat.

"You're finished. Make it easy for me and just keep still, got it?"

I slam the floor in disgust as I attempt to stand myself up, planting my hands on the ground. Drake's foot plants itself firmly on my back, crushing me back to the ground.

I can't lose here...not now! Drake seriously wants to kill me!

I fight through the pain and clench my teeth as I ready myself. Drake will not win here...not if I have strength in my limbs!

I can feel Drake shifts his weight to stomp on my head, and I find my opportunity. Just as Drake's leg moves to stomp me, I roll on my side and knock Drake off his balance. In that moment I push Drake's other leg with my palm and cause him to slip onto his side. I manage to stand back up and give myself some breathing room away from Drake. He stands back up, staring down at me with those cold eyes.

This is my time to make a move...I'll show you...I'LL SHOW EVERYONE!

"I'll make you regret your words you fucking bastard. Now, COME!"

I shout towards Drake as I enter my defensive stance, beckoning him to come at me. In a flash, Drake gets back in my face again as he tosses another hook. I easily dodge it, quickly jabbing him with two hits to his gut. He eats it as he swings his leg in for a roundhouse kick. I block it with one arm and swing it with a right hook. His arms are up to block my attack, but I manage to crack through his defense in just one punch as his arms struggle to stay up.

Descent into Infinite Mysteries [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now