Chapter 13: The Longest Day - Part I

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"Cain...are you okay?"

Misako looks from behind the passenger seat of Jimbo's truck, tilting her head at me.

"Yeah...I'm fine. I'm just nervous."

There's a sinking feeling in my chest about asking my mom to come watch the tournament...Jimbo initially said it wasn't a good idea, but I somehow managed to convince him.

We're driving back to the hotel now, as it's closer to the arena than Master Abraham's house. He decided to abstain from coming to the tournament...Master said he didn't want to see his son.

Misako gives me a gentle smile before resting her head back on the passenger seat.

"It'll end up okay. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I've gotta talk to mom myself."

Jimbo clears his throat, just as he's turning into the hotel parking lot. He stops near the front entrance, turning his hazards on.

"Don't make it too long, kiddo. If she doesn't want to come, then let her stay here."

"Alright. I'll be back."

I slink out of the back seat, and make my way inside the hotel once again. After a quick ride up the elevator, I reach our floor, and walk to my room. I give a courtesy knock, before using the hotel key to open the door.

"Hello? Mom?"

I push the door open, and see mom sitting by the window. A cool breeze is flowing through the room, filling the room with fresh air. She drags her cigarette, puffing the smoke out through the open window before turning back to me with a smile.

"Darling, I didn't expect you back here today. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is okay. I had a question to ask you..."

"Hm? What is it, sweetie?"

Mom takes another drag of her cigarette, blowing it out the window again.

"I...want you to come watch the tournament today."

The moment those words leave my lips, mom starts coughing. She snuffs out her cigarette on an ashtray, before looking at me with a frown.

"I've given enough, Cain. I'm letting you train and fight in this tournament already...I don't want to see my baby boy get hurt."

"Mom, I want you to see how good I am at much this means to me!"

She shakes her head.

"Baby...I want to support you in any way I can but I just can't."

Mom trails off talking, holding her arm and avoiding eye contact.

"I went to all of Joseph's tournaments when I was younger, did you know that?"

"I didn't...but I think I remember a newspaper that Jimbo had. It was declaring Joseph a two time world champion, and you were sitting on his shoulder."

Mom smiles slightly before looking at me again.

"I remember that day. It was a very happy day for your father, and a lucky one at that. I saw your father at his best, and most importantly at his worst. Every broken rib, shattered arm, and through the times he was on the cusp of death...I was there to watch."

That sinking feeling from earlier creeps up my stomach, just as mom walks over to me and grabs my hands.

"I don't want to see my last remaining love on this planet get hurt, let alone suffer the way your father did. You'll do great, I believe in you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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