Chapter 5: Forgive My Sins

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My mind is racing and I can barely keep a steady hand. Jimbo is still sitting next to me, his arm around my shoulder.

"You're ready for this, Cain. That boy...he's a monster...but so are you."

He taps my heart with his finger.

"You can be ferocious too. Tap into that. Drake's style got looser...less calculated and surgical like it was previously. You need to explode, give him everything pent up inside that heart of yours."


"All of the pain, the anguish, the fury. Let Drake know his legacy wont make it past tonight."

"I promise, it won't. Drake...his life ends tonight."

Jimbo pats my back as I stand up.

"Thatta boy. I'll deal with November when the time focus on that hellion in the ring, got it?"


I step away from the seat, walking down the stairs and up to the arena once again. I walk inside, standing in one corner. Drake is posted up at the other side, staring me down. November is leaned down whispering in his ear. He looks at me in the corner of his eye, smirking as he leans back up to glare at me.

"Ah, speak of the devil. Cain Watanabe...I knew your father very well."

"Should he have killed you too?"

November's smug expression twitches, his smirk fading into a neutral glare.

"Watch your tongue, boy. His legacy burned bright but was snuffed just as quickly; You aren't even the age he was back then, and yet you have those same eyes he once did."

"Mine are much clearer. I know what I have to do."

November begins walking out of the arena, my heart is pumping with adrenaline.

"Let's hope so. Give me some good entertainment."

The cage is shut, and it's left alone to Drake and me. The announcer's mic blares one last time.

"Apologies for the wait dear audience! The special event is about to get underway! Let's confirm our fighters are ready! Cain Watanabe, are you ready!"


"Drake Frazier, are you ready!"

"Uh huh."


The moment the announcer stops talking, Drake charges at me with everything he's got! He tosses a large right hook at me, swinging for my temple. In the split second I have to react, I grab his fist with my free hand. A shockwave bursts through me, sending a blast of air pressure that shakes the arena. All the way up to my shoulder, a soreness begins to take shape.

"So, you do know how to fight, unlike that girl of yours I brutalized."

I swat away Drake's arm, giving us some distance.

"She's not my girl, but that doesn't give you the right to talk like that. We're martial artists, not sadists like you."

Adrenaline courses through my veins, my eyes locked in on Drake and his stance.

"Just to clarify many times did I get up during our fight? How many times did you fall?"

Drake growls, lunging at me. I put up my arms to block, but Drake swipes his hand across my arms, his nails digging into my skin.

"Gah! Fuck!"

He tries to grab at my throat, but I push him to the side, ducking out of the way.

"You can't run from destiny, Cain. This is our FATE!"

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