Chapter 2: The Upstart's Beginnings

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"Ah!— God damn it!"

My ass smacks against the floor again.

"Boy! You must remain concentrated! Didn't you say you were good at calisthenics? These meditative yoga poses should be easy for someone like you!"

Easy my ass! A one armed side crow pose is not easy!

I look over at Jimbo and Misako performing the pose and holding still. Misako wobbles slightly, but Jimbo is set perfectly still.

"Come on Cain, give it another try at least!"

"Alright...alright, I'll give it one more shot."

I take a deep breath and crouch down, putting both arms onto the floor. Getting into the side crow position is easy...all you have to do is align your center of gravity onto your arms, allowing you to raise your body to the side and hold a 'flag' position with your legs tucked in.

My body is in position and I'm holding a regular side crow position. Taking off my left hand, I put my center of gravity further to the right onto my hand. My entire body is held up by my right hand, and with another deep breath I stand still.

Jimbo looks over at me, giving a thumbs up with his free hand.

"Well done! Hold that for 30 minutes and I'll consider you done for the day."


Both Misako and I fall off our position, smacking against the ground.

"Bwahahaha! Good job you two. Get some rest for now, I'm gonna grab us some water."

Jimbo gets up gracefully from the side crow position, walking away to the other side of the gym.

"Phew...holding that pose for a few minutes really gave my core a workout. What about you Cain? Feelin' it yet?"

Misako turns over to me, holding her stomach. Taking a closer look at her, Misako's abs and obliques are clearly visible...she must have been training for months, years at this point.

"Yeah, my core is screaming at me."

Ugh, this warm feeling in my face! I'm trying to pat my cheeks, but I can't help but blush. Misako really does look pretty...I shouldn't stare though.

Misako tilts her head at me, looking at me patting my face. She smiles before leaning back and staring at the ceiling.

"I still cannot believe that thing you and dad said...about your father being a world champion."


"I wanna be a champion, too. Dad's told me a little about the Rising Phoenix...but he wouldn't tell me anything about back in the day. Whatever happens, that's what I wanna the world champion, the strongest."

Woah. The aura exuding off Misako's desire is palpable.

"What about you, Cain? What do you wanna do?"

She turns her head to look at me.


I haven't thought about it. Nothing has seemed real until this point; nothing made sense until I got in that ring with Jimbo.

"...I don't really know. World champion sounds cool. Following in my dad's footsteps, y'know?"

Misako huffs, turning her head away as she pouts.

"I think you're just mooching off me."

"What?! Maybe that's what I really want!"

"Oh, yeah?"

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