Chapter 3

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"Angel.... I am here."

She could swear she froze, became a statue in that moment. If not for her heaving chest, one would have thought she was stone. What was she hearing?

Rashid had arrived minutes ago and watched her watching the sunset. Her face was as beautiful as the yellow sun, reflecting light and rays of assurance only if she could see. She looked like an angel. He couldn't control his thoughts so, he unconsciously voiced a reply before he could stop himself.

She quickly turned around to look for the voice. Her uncle couldn't possibly be in the woods, he was out to serve a community. Her frantic gaze landed on Rashid's tensed form.

"Kayi magana ne? (Did you say something?)" She inquired, as he approached her with a sigh.

"Sorry if I scared you......."

"No you did not," She interrupted. "I must be hearing things." She mumbled to herself, turning to face the river.

Her side view was amazing, talk less of her full peripheral. Was it her oval face? Her slender nose? Her large beautiful brown eyes? Her full brows or her caramel skin? The young lady was indeed, so pretty.

When he brought her out of the water yesterday, he wondered why such a beautiful soul would want to kill herself. He profusely prayed she would wake up because, she had taken in too much water and had already drowned when he found her.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked knowingly and seized his breath waiting for her answer. He was surprised by her response when he saw her smiling and also laughed a little.

"Many times by one person." She honestly answered, knowing it was only her uncle who said it. Others use it against her, mostly men, "The only person who has shown me love and affection." She added looking on.

Rashid's thought were running a marathon, he was already thinking differently. Maybe she was married, or soon to be married but, he knew form her response that it was a man. Dosha felt his form stout for a second and went on to further explain.

"Don't think I was married or it was my suitor. It was my Uncle, my mother's younger brother."

"And... If I may ask, where is he?"

"For eight years, he went to serve a community, making me a promise that he will come back and I believed. His words are not mere talks. He was the only one who loved me, he is like the parents I did have but did not have."

He sighed, "So sorry."

She hated pity, "As long as I am with you, do not ever tell me sorry, get that." She voiced warningly, seeing his expression. "I don't mean to be harsh, but please don't. I beg you." She added in apology.

"I understand you. Some time back, I was in your shoes. After my father was brutally murdered, I was so cold, you wouldn't even recognize me. I became dangerous, yelled at every given opportunity just to vent out my frustrations but, it was never enough. The worst thing was that they brought back his body, cut into pieces, a terrifying sight to behold. I felt like killing everyone, but I do not have the heart to do that. There and then I made a promise to myself, to kill those that butchered my father, making my family so vulnerable. I promise to break them to tiny bits and pieces that no one not even a dog would recognize them." He declared the last words through gritted teeth. He looked dangerous with veins popping through his body, his jaw clenched and fists balled on his laps in anger.

He looked so scary that she couldn't help but stare with mouth hung open. He quickly noticed her fear and changed his expression.

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" He changed the topic diverting his gaze to the small part of the sun.

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