Chapter 16

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Everyone collected around the wide sandy field in the cool breeze of the morning awaiting the execution of Nikatau.

Nikatau was brought to the middle of the field with hands tied behind his back, shirtless and beaten up blue black. He was no longer the powerful and authoritative man everyone saw a day before, he now looked like a tattered beggar who hadn't eaten for weeks.

But, he still had that look on his face, smirking at everyone he laid eyes on and was shocked to the core when he saw his men gathered against him.

"You betrayals!" Nikatau cursed looking at each and everyone of them.

"No one is betraying you Nikatau, the tides has turn against you," Rashid replied pulling him up to his knees. "You will die today." He added.

Nikatau smirked again looking at the direction of where Dosha stood and drank her up with his eyes, she never knew he was looking at her. He returned his gaze back to the fuming King, "Just do the deed and end it."

"I am not touching a single hair on your skin for that. There are multiple people who wants to do that." Rashid said giving him one of his devilish smirk before flinging him to the ground and moved away from him.

Nikatau looked at a direction shocked to see what he saw. All colours drained from his face, he looked pale seeing the multiple of women he wronged. They all glared fire at him, as if they should eat him up alive.

"These are the women you wronged, Nikatau. They will avenge all the things you have done to them." Rashid announced to everyone's hearing and Nikatau was shocked more to the core.

Dosha was more shocked and angry than everyone seeing all the women he took in. Both middle aged, young women and teenage girls, some tagged along with children while some were pregnant, some were free, she thought that they maybe newly pregnant or were new sets of girls brought to Nikatau as of recent. She glared fire at Nikatau imagining herself slicing his head clean off his neck.

'These are also human beings for God's sake, not animals'.

"So, all of you would turn your backs against me huh!? After all I have done for you! Didn't I treat you well?" Nikatau clamoured standing on his feet and he was pushed back down by the tall man.

"You have done nothing but cause us pain since we started working for you. None of us here imagined our lives to be like this. We just did it out of ultimate love. Look at all these women, some are our sisters, cousins, close relatives, families and what have you done to them? Cause them nothing but pain. Today, they will avenge all the things you have done to them since day one." The tall man said beckoning to the first woman handing her a long whip that was lined with hot blades.

"For my sister and mother who you murdered before my eyes." The woman said landing him a hot lash on his back, it left marks. He groaned arching his back.

"Your father did the same thing when he was alive. Now, look at these children, it would be unfair to call them bastards because they are innocent. They know nothing of the real world and their bastard father." The stunt one said giving him a hard punch.

Other women stepped forward giving him their own slice of vengeance, hard, reminding him of what he had done to them or any of their family members.

"Dosha, wouldn't you go?" Binta asked.

"He almost tried something with me but didn't succeed. And also, if I lay my hands on him, he wouldn't be alive to feel the pain the other women would give him." Dosha answered clenching her teeth.

"I feel pity for all these women and girls." Rashid voiced behind her.

She startled, spinning her head backwards to meet his dark orbs, she didn't know when he came up behind her and then walked beside her. Words of last night flooded her mind and she felt like flying into air. She felt a strange fire pit opening up in her.

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