Chapter 30

134 21 18

Dedicated to my best friend marzy452


The sound of rainfall is so beautiful to listen to at night, but sometimes it is terrifying. Thoughts running in your head, the howling wind, the thunder cracking and the daylight lightening. You would think it may carry the roof off your head, it may struck your ceiling or the light would reveal something horrible in the dark.

Dosha thought all these but her mind was elsewhere, staring at the ceiling, listening to the harsh knock of the rain on her window directed by the wind. She closed her eyes, breathing in slowly.

Time really flies; it felt like yesterday, when the man came to ask for her hand in marriage, when she screamed internally as they approved of their union, when they had pronounced them man and wife. There were happy moments such that thinking about it brought happy tears to her eyes.

Maybe the man also felt the same, she doesn't know.

She would soon leave her family, go to a new place, build a new home and start a new life with new people. She would adapt, adaptation was not a new thing to her.

By daylight, she would be leaving her home for her husband's home. The word 'husband' brought a grin to her lips, considering Rashid was now her husband. She had new responsibilities.

The day the horn was sounded meaning her relatives had approved of the union, it felt like that day was the day she would be tying the knot with him. But, it was a lot more than that.

They were given approximately three weeks and three days for courtship and within those days, they learnt more about each other; the good and bad sides, the angry sides, the annoying sides, the affectionate sides, the loving sides, the weak and strong sides and everything.

That made them fall in love with each other more, every human has flaws, they weren't exempted from it.

Dosha knew she had taken the right decision when she accepted his proposal. He was 'the man', she was created from him and for him.

She fell for him at his speeches, the way he commended her when she showed him how she developed her Kingdom. The way he looks when slightly annoyed, when he would pass her a genuine smile, and more. She wanted nothing more. She would smile like that shy teenage girl and he would notice, he would tease her, making her blush.

Unknown to him, he was making her crave for the day she would hold him close to her, gaze deeply with love into those obsidian orbs, whispering the love word, hug him, respect him, obey him, love him more.

It was going to be a dream come true again, now married to him, although she would have to wait a week before all came true, as the tradition.

The day she was bonded with him was a memorable day. Family members, few of them, the witnesses from both sides, the Waliyy, the Sadaqi (Bride price), the Imam and other people in general. She had requested for something not too high and not too low as her Sadaqi.

There were amusements, in the history of the royal family, she was the first princess who demanded something medial.

Jaagi gave Bizo the honour to give her hand out in marriage. She watched her beloved uncle's eyes tearing up but blinked it, she too was on the verge of tears, but she controlled it, she was going to seriously miss the man.

The vows were made and the Imam preached for them, there by bonding them. She had looked up to her now husband sitting beside her the whole time, smiling, but he couldn't see her face as it was covered with a translucent veil, he felt her smile. She had wanted to hug him right there, what stopped her was the eyes were still present.

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