Chapter 26

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"Your Highness!" The physician called but he wasn't listening.

His attention were on the girl laying on the bed. He held her cold hand to his lips, pecking it and massaging it for warmth. Hibba hasn't awaken since the day before morning and the physician was trying her very best, thankfully, she was gradually recuperating.

The substance they used was so strong and foreign to her system. Her physical appearance says it all; the pale face, she looked immobile, her body was so cold, her breathing was audible. She also suffered an injury on the side of her head, and some bruises, showing that she struggled with them and was overpowered.

Unlike her siblings who were trained to be immune to any poison or nasty snuff. When their father died, there were several threats on their lives and trusted relatives and men of their father aided them, trained them as they grew up to be able to withstand any harm.

Hibba wasn't really trained on that aspect because she fell ill at one point, and because of the sickness, they abandoned her training. Now, he thought it was time for her to finish it. Because they were still at risk of everything.

Rashid did not take part in it as he thought then that it was useless and doesn't matter. And he successfully conquered any threats directed to him.

"How is she faring?" Magajiya asked as she came from the corner, as usual.

"She's going to be alright by evening or even now." The physician answered, applying something on her bare stomach and back, then went on to change her bandages.

"Thank you." She thanked instead of Rashid who was off track.

She packed her things and left the trio alone.

Magajiya hummed as she sat on the other side of the bed looking at Hibba. She really likes the girl, she was very jovial and open, and the girl reciprocated the likeness and tells her almost everything about herself.

"Rashid!" Magajiya called, no answer, "Rashid! Rashid!!...." She called his name a few more times, still mute. He was really strong, she understood his feelings at that moment, but he couldn't dwell in it forever.

"Rashid?" She pushed him a little.

"Hmm!?" He answered, jolting a bit.

"Yes. She's okay. Don't think too much about it."

"I promise I am not. My attention is on her but my thoughts are entirely different."

"Have you interrogated the assassin?" She asked.

His face changed, "No. I think I should do that now, to get my mind off these."

"Yes. Do that. The way you sit here all day makes you look weak and I know you are not. Yes, I understand how you feel, but don't let it get to you, if you don't react now, the person who sent that assassin would think he or she has gotten to you. You have to be strong for your mother and siblings. Go out there and find whoever the person is. Do not let them see you coming. Do you understand? " She said, frankly. She was right in some way. And that really boosted him.

"Yes, I do. Thank you for those words." He appreciated, smiling.

"You are welcome, son." She beamed.

He gave Hibba one last look, who shifted in her unconscious state, groaning softly, clearly in pains. He leaned over her forehead, prayed, blew it on her and walked out.

Immediately he walked out, she rolled over, coughing and moaning for some moments, her eyes were heavy. She could recall her struggling with some men and they putting some not nice smelling cloth on her nose. The smell was so sickening, that it almost gave her a stomach upset, but couldn't last longer to know if she did throw up or not.

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