Chapter 18

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"Nafisa, tsir zap'ina (Nafisa, stop crying). I am here." Bizo soothed pecking her forehead.

"Let me cry! Let me cry!!" Nafisa tightened her grip around him.

"It's okay. It's okay." He cooed stroking her hair.

"I've really missed you." She released the hug and he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I've missed you more." He replied as she entwined their hands together leading him to the front yard.

"You know, people were saying you were gone, but I never believed it. I trusted you and held on to your promise when you said you will be back." Nafisa pulled him almost forcefully to sit down on a mat with her still holding his hand tightly.

"Thank you for trusting me, I am so happy to be finally home. It feels like I've been travelling for a year when it's just four weeks." Bizo expressed with full happiness looking at every corner his eyes could expand to.

"Four weeks of travelling and staying ten years, how ironic. I'm happy too," She sniffled rubbing her eyes. "What happened? Why now!?"

"Leave that for later, my wife. I can't finish today if I start now."

"Okay. I am glad you are looking okay." She replied still rubbing her eyes.

"You're still my beautiful wife over the years." Her eyes welled up.

"I am so happy." She tried her best not to start crying.

"You don't want to let go, I see." He looked at their entwined fingers.

"Yes. It is like you will disappear for another ten years again. Do you want me to let go?" Nafisa asked wanting to let go of his hand.

Bizo clasped his hands between hers. "Never. Don't think it again." She pulled him in for another hug as fresh tears rained down her cheeks.

"Where are our children? I've missed them too." He inquired as they broke the hug.

"They went to the market. They will be back before night falls completely. They've really grown up and always ask about you often." Nafisa smiled dearly.

"I can't wait to meet them, I brought for you all gifts." Bizo pointed to a sling bag.

"Thank you so much. We'll love it, I know that." Nafisa knew what next he would ask, because aside him, Nafisa is the other human who relates slightly with her.

"What of Dosha?" Bizo got no answers, he wanted frowning but schooled his features. "What happened?"

" gone." She hesitantly answered.

His heart missed a beat. "Gone? As in how?"

"No no, I didn't mean she is dead. She left the palace walls." Nafisa cleared it for him.

Bizo immediately knew it was that King of theirs and quickly stood up but Nafisa held his hand.

"No, please don't go again." She said pulling him back down. He looked at her and saw her eyes were still glistening, he let out a sigh and sat back down.

"What is happening in this kingdom?" He finally asked.

She cleaned her eyes and sniffled. "There are many things happening that you need to know."

Days later

"The King is really trying for all of them." Mande said as they watched people hugging and bidding one another.

For one week now the premises had been drying up second by second as people found their way out of the so called home that haunted them to their real home.

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