Chapter 14

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The King listened attentively to all matters brought before him, judging and giving them the appropriate answers.

But his mind often drifted to the beautiful woman who sang in Warji last week. The meaning of what she sang became a song in his ears, it played and replayed on and on like a mantra. He felt drawn towards her, physically, mentally and emotionally. 'Dosha!'

"One more thing, my King," The steward said, getting a nod from the King. "There has been short of supplies of farm products from our residents. Reports say it is being invaded by pest." He added.

"Supplies of farm products will be given to them. Write it down." The King answered ready to dismiss the court. He could see it in everyone's eyes, they were all tired.

"One more thing, my King," The steward said, a hot glare was reciprocated. "The last one." He added shrinking a little.

The King continued glaring at him, eyes saying 'Another one more thing and I will rip everyone's head off.' "Go on." The King commanded.

The steward cleared his throat. "The people are concerned. They are concerned about you not taking a wife and Queen by your side. They all think it is time - we all think it." At the steward's words, the court perked up once more.

The King smiled. "Do the people have a woman to give me?" He made his voice loud for everyone to hear.

"Yes, yes. Many." The court chorused.

"I ask politely for the people to give me time till next week. There will be an announcement." The King told them.

"Many are on ground, my King. My two daughters are also on the list." The steward said beaming and the King's mouth twitch but he schooled his features.

'Do they think I will marry all the women?' He thought scoffing.

"The court ends." The King said instead and exited the hall.

"You are all dismissed." The steward shouted.

The King exited the hall through another door inside the hall, not the normal entrance, barging unintentionally in, on the women's meeting with the Queen mother; his mother. All the women were grinning widely from ear to ear immediately they set their eyes on him, he doesn't know why. They all bowed.

He acknowledged them and moved closer to the Queen mother. "What is happening here?" He whispered.

She smiled. "We heard the news of you wanting to take in a wife."

"But I never said I have gotten a wife and I just finished with the meeting, how did you all hear about it?" He asked.

"The walls have ears, my son. And you know I also have a woman for you which you will marry." She said making his smile to falter.

"Mother, we already talked about this.... we will talk later," He replied turning to face the quiet crowd. "You can carry on." He exited without looking back.

Entering his chambers, he groaned frustratedly, murmuring something under his breath and flinged off his regalia and turban, unbuttoning his sleeveless shirt. The heat of everything was too much that he couldn't even bear it.

He gulped almost a liter of water, thinking about everything and smelt something familiar.

He smiled dropping the cup with a sound, he could recognize her scent anywhere, and he knew she was in there with him.

"Magajiya, na san kina nan. Fito in gan ki (Magajiya, I know you are here. Come out let me see you)." He called turning round the large room.

She chuckled, and he heard that familiar hissing sound. "You always know anywhere I am." Magajiya replied tapping his back, she appeared from nowhere.

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