Chapter 37

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"Your highness, we are almost ready." Saleh informed behind him.

"Hmmm," Rashid hummed in reply, the guard nodded and walked away, "Eat up quick." He said to Hana, feeding the stallion some fruits. The horse neighed.

"Get up and be fast, stop being a snail!" He heard his third shield, Tahir barking at a young skinny man.

He turned to them, watching the banter between the man and Tahir, he looked like he could pass out any second. There was a resounding gunshot in the air, and he saw a man thud heavily on the hard ground, lifeless as he was being shot by a guard. He scoffed, watching each and everyone going about, both his men and the unfortunate bandits they encountered on their way.

They were fully armed and were heading for one of his territory, probably sent by someone or just some rogues who formed a gang. But he was more certain of his first assumption, they couldn't speak Hausa fluently - they weren't even Hausa - they spoke a language he understands fully. Jarawa. He just hoped it wasn't the Jarawa King's doings. Part of him was hoping so, maybe he would put an end to the King's rubbish.

The man was threading on a thin line, and it wouldn't be good if he eventually harm his people. He'd lost count of the rejection letters he'd sent to him. He grumbled inwardly.

Some of the bandits surrendered and the remaining were killed there and then - the hard-headed ones. Their leader just slumped on the sand, lifeless.

War was something he hated, he hadn't had a single one for as long as he were alive and he wasn't preparing to have one. For generations now, there weren't any one, it couldn't just come up during his time.

The stallion huffed as if reading his thoughts, "You know right?" He smiled, stroking his hair, "I hate conflict."

The sun was beginning to rise, the sight beautiful as ever, giving hope. He smiled, his mind drifting to his Queen. She was understanding and will comprehend whatever was happening and his delay. He didn't plan on it though.

"My King, we are set." Hamza, his second shield, broke him out of his thoughts.

Rashid grunted in reply, setting his saddle on Hana. The horse's excitement kept it throttling on the same spot, ready to bounce off, "Calm down, we would soon be moving." He soothed the horse.

He mounted it, signalling for the journey to begin and in no time, everyone was moving.

His two shields and guard were in front of him, talking about something he zoned out on. His mind worried of 'what if they had missed those men?' He tried not to brood much on it by snooping in on what his men were saying.

"What do you mean?" Hamza asked in reply to a question he was asked.

"Well, I know those are for her, you know who I mean." Tahir said.

Hamza scowled, "She has a name."

"Fatima, I mean you are...."

"Let me cut you there. Even her family does not call her Fatima. If I hear you call that name one more time, I will squeeze your organs out." Hamza threatened.

"Sorry," Tahir mocked, "I am feeling jealous, you know! The possessiveness even without being married to her is much. My father once told me I have a luring charisma."

Hamza laughed, "I see, that's why she ran into your waiting arms hearing what you did." Saleh was the first to burst out laughing at the frowning man. Rashid couldn't help but snicker at Hamza's reply, recalling Tahir and the young woman they were talking about. It was an embarrassing time for Tahir. Some men who heard the banter joined in.

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