The mess you created. || Chapter 2.

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- in art class -
( El's POV )

I was sitting at the fourth row in the art room and realized that none of my friends are in my class. Not Mike, not Will, not Dustin and not Lucas. Until I saw a red head come into the art room. It was Max. I bet she hates me now after I ignored her yesterday. I had no choice but to ignore her, or else I would've fainted just by the sight of her. Before I know it, Max sat down beside me.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked Max coldly.

"Why can't I?" Max replied with her left eyebrow up as I ignored her once again.

When our art teacher look my way, I raised up my hands.

"Yes, Jane?" The art teacher asked.

"I would like to change my seat." I said and Max glared at me with a 'seriously?' look.

"Everyone's seats now is permanent. Apologies, Jane." The art teacher replied.

I don't know how am I supposed to handle sitting beside a gorgeous red head with pretty freckles all over her face. I hope I don't faint or die out of nosebleed. And when I glanced at Max, I saw her smirking. Seriously, what is this girl planning?

"El, the party asked to hang out at the mall today, after you left yesterday." Max said.

"I'll join later." I replied and started painting.

( Max's POV )

I really want to find out why Eleven hates me so much like what did I even do to her? I just wished we could be friends. Just imagine what we could do together if we were friends. I could do so much more than that idiot Mike. I was so jealous of Mike.

During art class, I glanced at Eleven multiple times as she looked pretty when she is serious, painting.

I was wearing my grey headphones as usual during class. I always found classes boring so I would always wear my headphones while listening to my favorite song, Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush. Even my teachers is used to me listening to music during class to a point where they gave up giving me detentions as it doesn't even have a impact on me.

Suddenly, there was a notification pop up. It was Billy.

"Hey Maxine, I can't pick you up after school today. I have to go out on a date with a cutie, she is too cute to resist so I hope you can forgive me. I will compensate you when I have the chance. Sorry Maxie."

I shook my head hopelessly. Billy's habits are really weird and funny.

"Yeah, no worries Billy. I can skate home later, I will stay at the arcade till about 10pm. If possible please pick me up. :)"

"No! I am sending the girl home later. Anyways, stay safe Maxie."

Billy's reply got me laughing loudly all of a sudden during class and no one cared except for Eleven. Eleven turned her head to look at me with confusion and turned away after a few seconds.

- during evening -

"Max, you said the party wanted to meet us here." Eleven frowned and asked.

"Sorry, I lied just now." I replied awkwardly.

"Friends don't lie." Eleven said while frowning.

"We're friends? But don't you hate me?" I asked, filled with confusion.

"You can think however you want to think." Eleven replied.

"Anyways, sorry for lying. But I asked you here because I wanted to ask you why do you hate me-" Before I could finish my sentence, all the lights in Starcourt Mall went off.

"What's going on?" I mumbled and soon I felt someone grabbing my wrist.

It was Eleven.

"I heard a gunshot. It's safer for us to stay here." Eleven said and brought me to the back of a cinema hall.

Soon, there was someone speaking in the speakers.

"Maxine Mayfield. I know you are listening here right now. I want you to come out to the entrance of Starcourt Mall now or you will regret." The voice of a man came out of the speakers.

After a few seconds, I finally realised who was the person speaking in the speakers.

It was Neil Hargrove. My stepfather.

"Who is that? How did he know your name?" Eleven asked curiously.

"It's my stepfather." I replied to the brunette that hates me.

"Is he a psycho or mentally insane?" Eleven asked and I did not reply her.

"I'll get out of here." I said and stood up.

"No. It is dangerous out there." Eleven grabbed my hand and warned.

"You don't know what is my stepfather capable of. Besides, why do you care? Don't you hate me?" I replied and went out of the cinema hall that we were hiding at. What I said left Eleven speechless.

The moment I reached the entrance of Starcourt Mall, I felt a punch on my face and I fell on to the ground. It was Neil.

"You brat. Where's Billy?" Neil grabbed my collar and asked.

"I don't know. Why are you even asking me?" I gritted my teeth and replied with anger.

"I know you know where he is!" Neil threw me on to the ground and kicked my stomach violently, then took out a Beretta M9A3 black gun and pointed it against my head.

"Say. It. Now." Neil warned with dark eyes.

All of a sudden, Neil was flunked across the mall. When I turn around, I saw Eleven. And soon, I saw Lucas, Will and Mike.

"Dustin is out of town to find Suzie so he couldn't come." Mike said.

"Max! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lucas asked worriedly and held me up.

"Shut up." I replied and walked towards Eleven.

"Here." I said and passed Eleven a handkerchief to wipe her bleeding nose.

"Thanks." Eleven replied and wiped her nose.

Within a second, a gunshot was heard and I collapsed on to the floor and soon my sight faded.

"Max! Max! Max!!!" A voice echoed worriedly.

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