Resurrection. || Chapter 13.

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*5 years ago*
( Eleven's POV )

When I woke up, I was in a unknown place, I did not recognise this place I was in. I was no longer in Hawkins Lab where Papa and Two is. Someone saved me when I fainted.

"Hey kid. You're awake? I'll go call the boss." A guy with pointy blonde pink hair said and walked away while I remained quiet.

"Oh my god. Eleven, you're okay!" A girl with black and purple hair exclaimed and ran towards me. Who is this?

"Are you the person who got me out of Hawkins Lab?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, don't you remember me Eleven?"

"No.. how did you know my name?

"Eleven, it's me. Kali." The girl replied and showed her left wrist. There was a 008 tattoo imprinted on her left wrist. I was still confused until I suddenly realised that I remembers the name Kali. Kali was someone close to me.

"Jane. It's me, Kali, your sister and you have already grown so tall, god." Kali said and patted my shoulder. All of a sudden, I finally remembered Kali.

"How did you know it's me and how did you find me?" I asked while still looking at Kali in disbelief.

"The black market was looking for you. They wanted to capture you and sell you since you have special abilities just like me. So I decided to call my gang members to investigate your whereabouts. But you're safe now since you're out of Hawkins. Eleven, you are at California now, where you are safe." Kali explained.

"Oh and meet Axel." Kali said while pointing at the guy with a pointy blonde pink hair that talked to me just now.

"This is Mick." Kali said and pointed at the girl with pitch black hair.

"Funshine." Kali said and pointed at a bald guy that looks buff.

"And lastly, Dottie." Kali introduced and pointed at a girl with multi-coloured hair.

"Okay so what actually happened?" I asked once again.

"Everyone in Hawkins Lab thinks you're dead now because I used my powers to let them see a imaginary dead corpse of you." Kali replied.

"Even Max thinks I'm dead now?" I asked as I started panicking. I needed to go back to Max and tell her that I'm okay.

"I don't know who that is, but I assume that this Max person is someone important to you. Apparently, yes. She thinks you're dead now." Kali replied.

"Sister, can I please go back to find her and tell her that I'm safe and not dead? I don't want Max to be upset." I asked as tears started streaming down my face when I imagined Max crying.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Eleven. Unfortunately, you have to stay 'missing' for now or else Martin Brenner and Two is going to come looking for you." Kali sighed and replied then walked away as the members of her gang followed her as well.

"Max Mayfield, you were like a blood red moon, a rare occurrence that happens once in a lifetime. Like the cover of a book that I only came across once but couldn't afford and maybe that intrigued me. I wanted to be with you more than I thought. I always had a weird feeling in my stomach whenever we lock eyes or whenever you smile at me that warms my heart and soul deeply. I felt like I had a abnormal connection to you the moment we met, I just didn't want to admit so I decided to pretend that I hated you which of course I regretted. I just wish the best for you, Max. I want you to live your life happily and not be affected because of my 'death'. And I promise, someday I will definitely come back to see you. You opened your heart and I cluelessly went in and now, I have been locked into your heart, escaping is no longer possible for me. I'll see you soon, Max." I wrote this on a old paper that Max used to use and teach me about schedules and time planning.

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