Someone. || Chapter 5.

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When Max woke up the next day, she did not see Eleven beside her. Max immediately panicked as she thought what happened last night was all nothing but just another delusional dream. Max immediately ran out of Eleven's room and soon smelled a delicious scent of Eggos. Turns out, Eleven was just helping out Hopper in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Max! Your awake! Hopper and I had made some Eggos for breakfast. Come have a taste of them before it turns cold. Make sure to let me know if it tastes good, or bad." Eleven exclaimed with a big wide smile and passed Max a plate filled with four pieces of Eggos, well marinated and neatly placed with sparkling golden honey syrup all around the waffles Eleven always admired.

"Girls, quickly eat up and get ready for school. Classes starts at 8am." Hopper said and gobbled up his Eggos within a second.

"Hopper!! Why did you finish those Eggos in seconds? You should've ate it slowly to taste the delicacy inside Eggos!!!" Eleven whined.

"Stop whining and get ready for school." Hopper shook his head in disagreement and went outside of the house.

After a few weeks of peace and joy which putted Eleven and Max in a good mood daily, chaos started erupting again. Good things never lasts forever. Max's old middle school bully in California was in Hawkins and is attending Hawkins Middle School now, Eleven just gotten into a fight with Mike and Neil was still nowhere to be found.

- in school -

After chemistry class, Max came out of her classroom and putted her chemistry textbooks back into her locker, with a good mood thinking that she would be able to be in the same class as Eleven later and all of a sudden, a someone appeared.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look who's back, kiddo?" A boy about Max's age said and slammed her locker.

"Do I know you?" Max asked in confusion.

"Damn. I feel hurt that you don't remember me, Max. Look closely." The boy said and stood closer to Max as Max slowly realises who the boy was, her eyes widened in shock and horror.

"Jones Rinny." Max mumbled in shock.

"Yes! Yes! You finally remember me, dyke." Jones yelled evilly and whispered the last word.

To Max, seeing Jones has the same meaning as life is over. Max's old middle school back in California, everyone in her school knew that she like girls. It was obvious that Jones is definitely in Hawkins so that he could spread the news around.

"Jones, please. I beg you, don't tell anyone about 'it'." Max begged as tears slowly formed in her eyes.

"Oh don't tell anyone about what exactly? Elaborate." Jones asked and smirked evilly.

"About me liking-" Before Max could finish her sentence, Jones got smashed into the lockers by a force a few times and fainted. It was Eleven. Only Eleven has these abilities. When Max turn around, It was really Eleven.

All the students surrounding them was shocked and ran away in fear upon seeing what Eleven just did. And Max just ran towards Eleven and hugged her tightly with tears blurring her eyes.

"Hey, Max. It's okay, I'm here. Don't cry." Eleven said and patted Max's head when Max is soaking her shirt with her tears.

"Who is that guy?" Eleven asked with a pair of serious eyes.

"Can we not talk about it?" Max replied while trembling in fear.

"Okay. We'll talk about it only when you're ready." Eleven softened her tone and said.

During classes, Eleven kept glancing at Max to check on Max to see if she was okay but most of the time, Max looked like she was panicking. It was obvious that she was terrified or worried, it was almost the same face Max made when she saw Neil.

When school finally ended, Eleven immediately ran out of her classroom to look for Max as in the previous lesson they were not in the same class.

Before Eleven could get in time to protect Max, what she witnesses is the total opposite. Max was back-sitting on her locker, bruised and sobbing loudly all alone.

"Max! What happened? Oh my god. Are you okay? Did Jones do this? I will make that jackass pay!-" Before Eleven finishes her sentence, Max pulls Eleven into a hug which melted Eleven.

"Don't. Don't confront or do anything to Jones. It will only make the situation worse." Max said.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you once again." Eleven replied as tears started forming in her eyes.

"Let's just go home." Eleven said, wiped her tears and held Max up from the floor.

Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short, my brain is honestly so fried rn, all of a sudden i js dk how to write properly lol so if possible please leave some ideas for me 😃. I feel like im dying 💀

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