Eleven? || Chapter 12.

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When I reached my apartment, I decided to take out my diary from the drawer under my bed and make an entry for the day. I remember that I used to always use my diary and write entries everyday to write about anything that happened that day with Eleven. But after she died, everything in the diary is just some depressing letters that I wrote for her. I guess I'm have been going through five stage of grief for literally five years already. I sighed before opening my diary and read the first entry I wrote in the diary. It was the first day I finally asked Mike about Eleven.

17 February 1984. Entry 1:
Dear Diary, today is the first day I finally have a conversation with the person I hate the most in this entire universe, Mike. I asked him about the girl he kept talking about, Eleven. Honestly I just founded this girl's name interesting at first but over time I slowly started getting interested in her. She sounded like a amazing person.
Just now, Mike said that Eleven had already saved the world once and now she is about to save the world the second time. I don't know why but I feel like he is always being too exaggerated but I guess it's fine. Mike even showed me a old picture of Eleven.

(A/T: I literally spent like 10 years to edit this photo 😭)

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(A/T: I literally spent like 10 years to edit this photo 😭)

Whoever that says this ain't cute and attractive, you've got an eye problem. Anyways I don't know why I felt some kind of attraction after seeing this photo of her. However, what I do know that I am not in love with this girl or likes this girl. This is something that I know for sure.

I smiled as I read my first entry in the diary. It feels good to see Eleven even though it's just an old picture that wasn't even taken by me. I remember I had to steal this photo from Mike, it really was troublesome but I found it worthy of the trouble. Then I randomly flipped onto another page of entry.

25 July 1985. Entry 358:
Dear Diary, it has almost been a year and I am still crushing on Eleven. What's going on? I hasn't even met her and hasn't even know her, just why do I like her so much? Honestly I just hate how Mike talk about him holding onto Eleven's hands all the time, I feel like crying whenever I imagine Mike being able to do anything that I can never do with Eleven. Argh, just why do I have this dumb crush on Eleven? I am only fourteen! It's okay, this crush will go off soon. Just gotta wait for a bit more.

Ah young me, young thoughts. The crush I thought I was gonna get over at the age of fourteen, lasted till now, when I am already twenty years old, an adult.

All of a sudden, Lucas called me.

"Max! Watch the news right now! I think it has something to do with El!" Lucas said and I immediately hanged up the phone the moment I heard 'El' and ran towards the television and turned on the news channel.

"Hello residents of Hawkins, welcome back to channel seven news. My name is Jill Quaint and today I will be sharing with you all, a breaking news. A case of paranormal robbery was reported a few hours ago, reporting a girl at her teenage years breaking into a hypermarket and stole five boxes of eggos waffles and even 'used her mind' to break all the windows of the hypermarket. The reporter said that he had witnessed a shocking and paranormal scene of stealing in sight and is now still in shock in a corner, panicking. And that's all for today, this is Jill Quaint, signing off."

I guess why Lucas said it may have something to do with Eleven must be because the robber who stole eggos and used her mind to break the windows in the hypermarket so I decided to check out what happened as I quickly got dressed and skated out of my house. I ain't driving that hyper fast car today or else that hypermarket may go crashin' if my car accidentally knocks onto it.

"Hey y'all are here too?" I asked when I got off my skateboard as the party was there too.

"Yeah of course, El is our friend too don't forget that." Dustin said and laughed.

"I think El did this. She did the same thing back then when I just met her." Mike said while looking at the broken glasses.

"Hey, thought y'all could use some help." Steve said, with Eddie, Robin and Nancy behind him.

"Finally the true adults are here!" Dustin exclaimed and went to give Steve a buddy hug.

"Nancy and Robin, are you guys dating?" I asked with a curious smirk.

"No! Why would you think that?!" Both Robin and Nancy yelled in sync. This two is seriously so cute.

"Anyways what do you need help with?" Steve asked while looking at us.

"We need someone to go and ask the police or the reporter for information about the robber or maybe you can ask the hypermarket owner too." Dustin replied.

"For this, you can ask Steve to do it. I bet you definitely can't believe that he had already became a Criminal Lawyer." Robin said and started laughing loudly.

"Okay fine. But y'all better treat me to some Scoops Ahoy later." Steve rolled his eyes sarcastically and walked towards the hypermarket owner from afar.

After ten minutes, Steve finally came back to us with a satisfied smile.

"How was it?" Nancy asked.

"It was not bad. The old man didn't panic this time. I helped him remain calm so I got good, juicy and satisfying informations." Steve replied with a wink.

"Do share!" Will said and we went on our way to Scoops Ahoy.

"Damn I miss working at this place. It has been years!!!" Steve and Robin yelled in sync outside Scoops Ahoy and ran inside excitedly.

After waiting for literally thirty minutes for a stupid creamy chocolate caramel crepe for Steve, the order was finally done.

"Here, Steve. Thirty minutes. You better repay me with good informations." I said with an annoyed eye roll and passed Steve the crepe I just bought for me.

"Okay, so the hypermarket owner said that the person who stole eggos from his hypermarket and broke all the windows, is a girl in her teenage years, short pitch black hair that is neatly combed, wearing a leather black jacket and had black eyeliner applied onto her eyes." Steve explained while eating his chocolate caramel crepe joyfully like a child who just made a friend for the first time.

"Max, do you think it's El?" Lucas asked while looking at me with his left eyebrow twitched.

"I'm not sure since Eleven doesn't know what a eyeliner is and how to apply them, so I am not sure if it is actually her but maybe she learnt about it within this five years so it wouldn't hurt to try and find out if it's her. I guess? As long as we don't get killed in this mission." I replied while looking at everyone as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

After that, we all went home to get some equipment for protection and defence, just in case the person isn't El but seriously some mad psycho on the loose. When we are done preparing the things we need for this searching trip, we immediately set off on Steve's brand new Mercedes-Benz W124.

"Eddie, are you sure you want to go on this trip?" Steve asked worriedly while looking at Eddie with sincere eyes. Woah I didn't know Steve could make such stares. Damn, love really do changes people.

"I have always been known as a timid and fearful guy who always runs away from situations and troubles but this time, I will not run away. Because I love you, I will stay here and protect you so yes, I am sure I want to go on this trip with you." Eddie replied with a soft smile as Steve mouthed 'adorable' to him.

How I wish I had such lovely relationship with Eleven as well but since she's rumoured dead right now, chances are even lower than thirty percent.

"Sister, I want to go back to Max and tell her that I love her and I want to go back to Mike and apologise to him about the fact that I no longer liked him that's why I broke up with him. Can I please do so? I really love Max and I miss her."

A/T: So? What do you think? Do you think Eleven is alive or dead? And is the sentence above, just a memory, dream, illusion or imagination?

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