I wish. || Chapter 11.

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The rings my phone gave off from afar filled my ears as I woke up from my nap, feeling extremely annoyed. I was having a good dream! I swear to god, I'll kill whoever that just called me! When I answered the call, I was about to yell in the phone until I heard a soft and calming voice. It was Eleven's voice. Eleven called me.

"Hey Max, you wanna come over to my house? I'm really bored and I could really use a bit of accompany right now." Eleven asked.

"Yeah sure, be there in a sec." I replied and immediately got dressed with my red hoodie and blue denim jeans and skated out of my house. I am literally so excited to see Eleven lol. After about ten minutes, I finally reached Eleven's house. I knocked the door politely until I saw the face that I have been wanting to see. I immediately ran into her arms with excitement.

"Woah Max! What's wrong?" Eleven chuckled with confusion and asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I just missed you, that's all." I replied and hugged Eleven tightly. After that we went into her room.

From the way Eleven talked and acted just now, I could already sense that she is upset about something but the thing is what is she upset about?

"El, what happened? Why do you look so down?" I asked while staring at Eleven's gorgeous and mesmerising pearls-like black eyes.

"You caught me." Eleven replied with a sigh and a saddened face.

"Hey it's fine, El. You can always tell me about it. I am here for you. Always and forever." I said and held onto Eleven's hands tightly. I don't know where I got the courage to do that but yeah.

"Thanks Max. You're really the best friend anyone could ever have." Eleven replied with a smile. Yeah. I will always just be a best friend. What else could I be to her? I'm just delusional. But I will appreciate my every moment with her. I can't imagine living a day without her.

"Go on." I said and Eleven breathed in and out, trying to calm herself down before talking.

"Mike and I got into a argument. He said that I was paying too much attention on you and that I like you. I mean it's true that I like you so I just told him that I like you but the look on his face changed. His face had a look of disgust. I don't know what's going on." Eleven explained with a sad frown.

"Mike thought you liked me romantically. He misunderstood. You gotta clear up that misunderstanding with him and if you feel uncomfortable with whatever he said, you can always feel free to break up with him, as long as it makes you happy. You don't have to make choices according to others, always think of yourself first." I said and pulled Eleven into a hug which resulted in her smiling peacefully that is so fucking adorable, I feel like my heart could come out of my chest any time but you know, gotta contain it. Girl's got a boyfriend already.

Ah how I wish I could just tell her how much I love her and how much of a jerk Mike is and she should totally dump him. I can do whatever that Mike would never do. The thought of me standing side by side with El just.. felt so right. I was sure we were a good match.

"Hey El, cheer up. How about we play a game?" I suggested while holding onto Eleven's palms tightly.

"A game? What game?" Eleven replied curiously.

"Scissors, paper, stone. This is a game where you say 'scissors paper stone' before showing a hand sign of scissors, paper or stone in the count of three." I explained and showed Eleven the hand signs. I am glad that Eleven understood right away.

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