Secretly crushing on you. || Chapter 4.

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Billy collapsed on to the floor, motionless.

"You are too much of a disturbance, son." Neil said with a dark frown.

"Maxine, just wait and see. I will make sure you live a peace-less life." Neil said and laughed evilly, leaving Billy's motionless body in the middle of a road.

After a few days, Max is finally able to discharge from the hospital.

"Hey Max, I'll help you pack." Eleven opened the ward door and suggested.

"Yeah sure, thanks Eleven." Max thanked with a cheerful smile.

"Call me Jane or El. Also, I'm surprised to not see Billy around. Doesn't he know that you can discharge from the hospital today?" Eleven asked.

"I texted him two days ago but he did not see my message." Max replied.

"Oh, that's weird." Eleven mumbled.

All of a sudden, Lucas came into the ward.

"Lucas, are you here to insult El again?" Max asked with fury.

"What? No, no. I came here to apologize. I knew El would be here to help you pack so I decided to come and apologize to the both of you. I'm sorry El for calling you a bitch the other day. Sorry Max for.. disturbing you the other day as well." Lucas apologized.

"It's fine." Eleven replied and Max ignored Lucas.

"Max, you wanna stay at my house temporarily? I don't think it will be safe for you to return home when Neil is still on the loose." Eleven recommended.

"Yeah sure." Max replied with a wide cheerful smile. She felt happy.

After about thirty minutes, Hopper reached the hospital.

"Hop in." Hopper said and unlocked his car doors.

"Dad, can Max live with us temporarily since it would be unsafe for her to return home?" Eleven asked.

"Sure. Don't worry Max, me and the investigation department is trying our very best to look for Neil Hargrove." Hopper reassured Max.

Suddenly, there was a voice speaking in Eleven's walkie-talkie. It was Mike.

"El, can I come over your house? We haven't been talking for the past few days. I miss you." Mike said through the walkie-talkie and Hopper immediately yelled "NO."

"My father said no." Eleven replied in the walkie-talkie.

"Aww.. Alright then. Talk to you soon, El. Love you!" Mike sighed and said.

"Bye." Eleven replied.

This whole time, Max was just looking outside the window of the car with a upside down smile.

After about ten minutes, they finally reached Hopper's house.

"Do I have to keep my door 3 inches open?" Eleven asked Hopper.

"No." Hopper replied which made Max and Eleven chuckled then they ran into Eleven's room.

"Are you able to contact Billy yet?" Eleven asked Max, thinking something bad might have happened to Billy.

"No, honestly i'm worried." Max replied with a saddened face.

"Hey, it's okay. I will try my best to trace where he is for you." Eleven said and grabbed a blindfold to cover her eyes and putted a radio in front of her.

After a few seconds of using her powers, Eleven was finally in the void. Eleven saw an unknown abandoned warehouse and there were metal sounds coming out of the warehouse.

secretly crushing on you // 𝘦𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘹  Where stories live. Discover now