Leave her alone. || Chapter 9.

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(Max's POV)

When I turned around, I was shocked to see Neil. Why would Neil shoot Eleven? Aren't his target me?

"Get away from her!" Eleven yelled and pushed Neil away.

"No it's okay, Eleven." I said while trying to calm her down.

"It's not okay! Max, he is going to kill you! You do realise that right?" Eleven replied while glaring at Neil as if she was ready to murder him any time until another person came in the bus. A tall and slender white hair man with a neatly worn grey suit. Eleven's anger turned into fear. I could sense it. But my fear came in as well when I see one more person come in the bus. It was Jones. What? But why would Jones be with Neil and this man that Eleven seems to be afraid of?

"Turns out the person that Max likes now is you huh, Eleven." Jones said. Eleven knows Jones and Jones knows Eleven? Everything is so confusing right now as I looked at every single person in the bus with a confused look.

"Brat! Call papa!" Jones yelled and grabbed Eleven's hair violently. Although I don't know what is going on, I absolutely cannot allow some asshole to do anything to Eleven so I pushed Jones and he knocked on to the window glass.

"El, are you okay?" I asked worriedly and Eleven nodded.

"Papa, why are you associated with this guy here?" Eleven asked while glaring at Jones. Why is Eleven calling this white haired man 'papa'?

"Eleven. Jones is Two. Do you remember? Number Two." The white haired man replied and Eleven's glare became fury. She then used her powers with a huge force and literally flunk Jones into the forest and I couldn't help but laugh for a second until I realised Neil was still there. Wait a second, but what does that man mean when he said Jones is Two? What is Two? And I just realised Eleven's name is also a number. What the hell is going on? Neil then immediately grabbed me away by my arms violently and threw me in a black van.

"Neil! What the fuck are you doing?! You better leave Eleven alone!" I yelled and slapped Neil's face while Neil remained emotionless. What the hell is going on with everyone? After a while, the white haired man carried Eleven in his arms and came in the van including Jones then I realised Eleven is unconscious.

"Hey white haired ugly old man! What the fuck did you do to Eleven?!" I yelled and when I tried to go and punch that man, Neil grabbed my wrist and my wrist started to swell with red marks. The white haired man spray some kind of gas into the atmosphere of the van and soon I passed out as well.

When I woke up, I was tied up in a place that looked like a interrogation room and that was when I realised Eleven was in front of me as well and her hands and legs is tied, there was a shock collar on her neck and there was a cloth in her mouth to shut her up. And at the another corner of the room was Neil and the white haired man discussing something. After a while, Eleven awoke too. The white haired man noticed the moment Eleven was awake so he walked towards us.

"Eleven, how was sleep? You slept too long, sleepyhead." The white haired man said. After about five minutes, I finally found out that the white haired man is called Dr Martin Brenner as Neil called him that. Eleven maintained her fearful face. All of a sudden I remembered that Eleven has told me about Dr Martin Brenner before.

(Eleven's POV)

I have memories of me being separated from my mother and best friend whom I refer as a spiritual sister when I was three. My biological mother is called Terry Ives. My real name is Jane Ives. However, when I was five, I were playing toy cubes with my sister, Kali Prasad in a rainbow room, a blonde hair women came into the room desperately calling my name, I knew it was my mother but before I could react, my mother was being forcefully pulled away by security guards and when I want to run out of the room to look for my mother, my sister and I was knocked unconscious by the guards. Dr Martin Brenner whom I refer as 'papa' kidnapped me and Kali when we were only five and 'papa' forcefully putted my mother through a electroshock therapy which fried my mother's brain and destroyed her mind and made her stuck in a permanent loop of events happened before she was captured just so she wouldn't be able to sue him for kidnapping me. A few years ago, I finally found out where my mother is living at through my powers but when I reached the place that my mother was living in, it was too late. My mother had died out of stroke. My aunt, whom is my mother's younger sister, Becky Ives, told me my mother's last words and the only words she ever said was "Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow. Three to the right. Four to the left. Four fifty." Which is the loop that my mother has always been stuck in. It pained me deeply that my mother suffered so much because of me but I could not do anything to help.

When I was in Hawkins Lab, there were many children there too and they were all abducted the same way I was abducted from my mother. The person I hate the most there excluding 'papa', is Two. Two is the oldest person among the children and he is a bully. A real bully. It is rumoured that One does not exist so Two is the oldest. Two liked to bully me since when I was only nine. He hated the fact that 'papa' always spend a lot of time training me instead of him. To him, I was a waste of time. Two's hobby was to throw me across the rainbow room. I hate him. I was extremely shocked when 'papa' said Jones Rinny was Two just now in the bus.

(Max's POV)

After thirty minutes, everything was still fine and quiet but I doubt that later will still be as peaceful as now. Eleven was sitting across the room I am in, deep in thoughts. All of a sudden, I noticed a small piece of wood beside me so I immediately took that piece of wood and attempted to release myself but before I could even lay my hands on that piece of wood, a feet stepped onto my fingers. It was Jones.

"Hey, hey, hey. Tryna escape?" Jones said with a evil grin and stepped on my finger even harder which caused my fingers to crack.

"Just. Leave. Eleven. ALONE!" I gritted my teeth and yelled at Jones's face.

In the background, I could hear Eleven's muffled screams directed at Jones and I. But as Eleven's screams slowly fades, I eventually fell unconscious again.

A/T: Help I literally wrote this chapter when I am wiping the windows 😭

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