Why do you care? || Chapter 7.

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"Never mind you wouldn't understand. Also, Eleven can you please leave me alone?" Max said and Eleven sighed then left the room.

- in Mike's basement -

Mike and Will is playing Dungeons of Dragons in Mike's basement until Mike suddenly received a phone call from his walkie-talkie.

"It must be El!" Mike exclaimed and immediately ran towards his walkie-talkie, leaving Will alone.

"Hey El! How are you? What's up?" Mike asked with a huge smile as he hasn't received a phone call from Eleven after so many weeks.

"Why is Eleven so lucky?" Will mumbled with a saddened face.

"I need advices. Max is upset and I am very worried. I don't know how to comfort her. Mike, can you tell me how to comfort her?" Eleven asked worriedly.

"Seriously, Eleven? You haven't called for so many weeks and you don't ask about how I am doing and you just ask me for advices to comfort someone else that I don't even care? Just because you're worried of Max? Tell me El, do you even still care about me? All you care about now is just that mouth-breather annoying girl Max!" Mike's happy face faded and started yelling.

"I dump your ass. No one calls Max a annoying girl and a mouth-breather. I hate you, Mike." Eleven said and hung up the call, leaving Mike in disbelief.

"Hey Mike can we play DnD now?" Will asked desperately.

"No! All you care about is your stupid DnD! El just broke up with me and you don't even care, Will!" Mike yelled which saddened Will.

"You promised that we will always be together playing DnD but what is this now? You betrayed your promise. Where is Lucas? Where is Dustin? See? You don't even care as well! So don't just push all the blame on me, Mike. And you know what? I'm done! I am done with playing DnD. You never cared anyways. I'm going home!" Will said and threw all the DnD setups on to the floor and stormed out of Mike's basement with anger.

"Will! You can't go home! There's a huge storm outside right now, it's dangerous!" Mike said and stopped Will from opening the main door.

"Why do you care, Mike? All you care about now is just some stupid girls!" Will shouted.

"El is not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike yelled. Will then shook his head in disbelief and rode away with his bicycle in the storm.

The moment Will went home, he immediately stormed into his room. Mike and his photos were all over Will's room.

"Stupid. Stupid. I hate this shit. Why am I so stupid? Stupid. Stupid. Bullshit!" Will mumbled with anger while tearing all the photos around his room violently.

- Eleven's house -

After Eleven hung up on Mike, she immediately went back into her room to look for Max but to her surprise, Max was nowhere to be found.

"Max? Max! Where are you?" Eleven started screaming and ran out of the house.

After about ten minutes of finding Max, Eleven still couldn't find Max so she decided to run home and put a blindfold and a radio in front of her and concentrate to find Max psychically.

Soon, Eleven was finally in the void. Eleven could hear "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush playing in the background and after time a white door appeared in front of her.

When Eleven open the white door, she realised that it was Max's room but what she saw shocked her. It was Jones and Max talking.

"Get out of my house. GET OUT NOW!" Max shouted and pushed Jones.

"Why should I? You and I both know that we use to date a few years ago." Jones said with a smirk.

"And what about that? It doesn't change the fact that I hate you. I don't like you, Jones. I HATE YOU." Max yelled furiously.

"Yeah, yeah, lies. I know you still like me." Jones said and held Max's chin.

"Fuck off! I like someone else now!" Max yelled and kicked Jones's stomach.

"You know I won't give up on you, Max. And you also know you can't end me. Whoever that you likes now, they will die. Trust me." Jones said with a evil grin and went out of Max's house, leaving Max in a worser state.

After hearing what Jones said in the void, Eleven clenched her fists with rage and immediately got out of the void and run to Max's house.

When Eleven reached Max's house, she immediately slammed open Max's door and saw Max hyperventilating in fear.

"Hey Max, it's okay, it's okay. I will protect you from that jerk." Eleven said with tears and hugged Max tightly.

"H-He is going to hurt you." Max mumbled and started sobbing loudly on Eleven's shirt but Eleven didn't cared as that moment she just thought that comforting Max is her top priority.

"I will not allow him to hurt me or you okay? I promise. I promise you, with me here, I will keep the both of us safe and sound. I will protect you forever." Eleven said and pecked Max's forehead with a soft smile.

"Don't worry." Eleven reassured Max and caressed her cheek. Which made Max blushed.

"Oh right, why did you come back here Max? Didn't you say that your house is dangerous?" Eleven asked curiously.

"I don't know how but Jones came into your room and grabbed me by my hair and dragged me all the way here." Max replied and Eleven clenched her jaw in anger.

"It's okay, I will not let that happen to you ever again. I promise to not leave your sight again. Oh by the way, I broke up with Mike." Eleven said which made Max instantly smiled.

I finally succeeded.

- Mike's house -

"Mike! I'm home! And uh I brought someone back too!" Nancy shouted while opening the door and Mike came to the living room gloomily.

"Uh who's this?" Mike asked curiously while looking at both Nancy and Robin.

"This is my annoying friend, Robin. She can be quite noisy and annoying sometimes so just don't mind her." Nancy replied.

"Am I supposed to feel hurt, Nance?" Robin asked and chuckled loudly.

"Feel what you wanna feel." Nancy glared at Robin  and replied.

"You guys have a project or something?" Mike asked with confusion.

"Yeah. By the way, you didn't steal my money this time right?" Nancy asked.

"I didn't!" Mike replied and rolled his eyes in annoyance then the all of them went to their room.

During dinner, Nancy noticed something was wrong with Mike.

"Hey Mike, what happened? Why do you look so down?" Nancy asked with her left eyebrow tilted.

"El broke up with me and I had a argument with Will." Mike replied, feeling troubled.

"It's okay. You can try making up with them? I don't know? Just try?" Robin suggested while chewing her food.

"Oh my god, Robin stop talk when chewing." Nancy said and glared at Robin while Robin smiled sheepishly.

"Alright, I'm full. Bye." Mike said and stood up and walked to his room.

Author's Note: I have literally been stressing myself out for this chapter for the entire day lol but yeah here it is. I have tuition tomorrow so there may be a delay on update.

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