My type. || Chapter 8.

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(Max's POV)

To clear up the awkward atmosphere, I decided to bring Eleven to my favorite places. I already had the day planned. First, we would go to the arcade to play DigDug and maybe some other games as well. Second, we will go to the skate park to practice my skateboard tricks and also teach Eleven some skateboard tricks. Lastly, we would go to the cinema to check out some new released horror movies.

"But Max, how do I skate at the skate park? I don't have a skateboard." Eleven asked.

"You could use my skateboard or we could buy a new one for you?" I replied and raised my black and white checkered skateboard into the air.

"I'll use yours then." Eleven said with a smile and I nodded sheepishly.

After Eleven and I got dressed, Hopper drove the both of us to Starcourt Mall.

"Be careful. And also Max, you know how to take the bus to go the skate park that you wanna go later right? Because I am not able to come and bring the both of you there later as I am taking Joyce out for dinner." Hopper asked.

"Yeah Mr Hops, no worries and enjoy your date!" I replied and held Eleven's wrist and ran into the mall while holding my skateboard in my arms and went straight for the arcade.

"Woah Mad Max is getting crazy for DigDug again huh?" Keith said with a chuckle and I replied with a playful nod. Keith is a staff and manager in the arcade, usually it is him whose in charge of the arcade.

"El! Go to the left side!!! The enemy is at the right!" I yelled.

"No! If I go to the left I will die!" El screamed and went to the right side.

"Trust me, if you go to the right side you'll die! The enemy will just go straight to you!" I yelled again while shaking Eleven.

"Oh my god Max!! I died because you pushed me!!" Eleven whined as she just lost in DigDug.

"You're just weak! Accept it! Mad Max will always be the best! HAHAHA!!" I shouted playfully and laughed extremely loudly in the arcade. Our laughters filled the entire place as everyone's glares were directed on us. This went on for about two hours until Eleven's stomach started growling.

"Eleven are you hungry?" I asked while stopping the game.

"Yeah.. can we have Eggos?" Eleven asked with puppy eyes that so freaking adorable.

"Yeah of course! Let's go!" I replied and held Eleven's hands and we went to the nearby waffles restaurant in the mall.

"Kids these day..." Keith mumbled with a hopeless sigh.

"Hello miss, what would the both of you girls like?" The waitress asked politely with a warm smile.

"Is Eggos available here?" I asked as Eleven looked at me with sparkled eyes.

"Yes Eggos is available here, would you like one set each for the both of you?" The waitress asked with her notepad in hand.

Since Eleven is hungry and she loves Eggos, I decided to buy two set of Eggos for her.

"I would like to order three sets of Eggos in total." I replied.

"Okay. Any drinks for the both of you girls?" The waitress asked again with a smile and Eleven shook her head and I shook my head as well then the waitress bow politely and left.

"Max, why did you order three sets of Eggos?" Eleven asked curiously.

"I ordered two sets for you since you're hungry and you love them." I replied and Eleven gave me a soft smile.

While waiting for the waffles to arrive, Eleven and I chatted for a while and soon the waffles came.

When the waffles arrived, the Eggos seemed appetizing, extra crisp and syrupy. It seemed really delicious. No wonder Eleven loves them. Before a minute passed by, Eleven gobbled up the waffles in hunger already.

"Eleven, you're that hungry?" I asked while laughing and Eleven blushed in embarrassment.

After eating, we went to take a bus to go the skate park that I was talking about earlier. When taking the bus, all of a sudden everything seemed wrong. The bus suddenly went side ways and there was a black van heading towards our bus in a fast speed.

"Shit. Shit. Shit, Eleven! Be careful!" Before I could pull Eleven to my arms, a gun bullet came out from the black van and smashed through the front glass and shot Eleven's left leg. Eleven's left leg started bleeding.

"Eleven! Are you okay? Oh my god." I immediately ran towards Eleven and asked. Everyone in the bus ran away with fear. Eleven became vulnerable due to the wound the bullet caused on her leg.

"Eleven, you are losing a lot of blood. What's your type?" I asked worriedly while staring at Eleven's bullet wounds.

"Uh.. my type is blue eyes, red hair-" Eleven replied and I blushed but this wasn't the time for sweet moments so I decided to cut Eleven's response.

"Eleven! Blood type!" I said.

"Oh. I don't know." Eleven replied with a awkward smile.

All of a sudden, footsteps was heard. My anger arises when I heard the footsteps because I know that the footsteps belongs to the culprit who shot Eleven. But my anger became fear when I saw who the person actually was.

A/T: Who do you think is the person who came into the bus and Who do you think is the culprit of shooting the gun? Do you think that the footprints belongs to the culprits who shot Eleven or belongs to life saviors who wants to help with Eleven's wounds?

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