Just talk to me. || Chapter 6.

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- after school -

"Max." Eleven called as Max is walking in the school hallways.

"Max. Can we talk?" Eleven asked.

"Talk about what, exactly?" Max turned around and replied.

"You have been quiet. Ever since that incident, just what's wrong? You can tell me anything, please. Who is that guy and what did he do to you? Max, I am here. I hear you. I will listen." Eleven said and held Max's hands worriedly.

"Do you really worry about me or do you just pity me? If so, just go." Max said and pushed Eleven away.

"I want to help you, Max. You are my friend. Friends don't lie. Tell me what happened, what's going on, what's wrong, who is that guy, what did he do to you, why are you so upset, why have you been quiet for so long? Too many questions, sorry. But really, I need answers. I need you to talk. I really want to help you Max. I am worried, truly." Eleven said tearfully. 

"I have only been quiet for a day, El. In fact, it's only half a day. What are you so worked up for?" Max replied and walked away.

"Max! Please just talk to me! Just. Talk. To. ME!" Eleven said and ran and hugged Max.

"Even if I told you what that son of a bitch did to me, you wouldn't understand. In fact, you definitely will NOT understand." Max replied with tears.

"I will. I will try my best to understand, just please." Eleven said.

( flashback )
- in school ( in California ) -

"Hey, kid with daddy issues." Jones called with a group of gangsters.

"What do you want, Jones?" Max grabbed her skateboard and asked.

"I want that skateboard of yours." Jones replied and started chuckling evilly.

"No. Whatever you want, just not the skateboard." Max warned.

"Why must I listen to you?" Jones said with a evil grin. Before Max even know it, another group of boys were behind her, surrounding her.

"Give the skateboard to me or I will take it by force. Pretty sure, you don't wanna see that happening. Do you?" Jones asked coolly with his hands in his pockets.

"Over my dead body." Max replied and five boys immediately violently ran towards her. Max punched a few boys but was soon defeated when Jones took a bat and smashed her spine.

"What a sore loser." Jones laughed and rolled his eyes then took Max's skateboard.

"No! Don't do anything to the skateboard! Please! It's the last gift from my father before he passed away. Please! I beg you, Jones. Jones!" Max begged and started crying miserably.

"I like it when you beg, Max." Jones turned his head and said.

"But bye bye daddy." Jones said with a evil chuckle and threw the skateboard on to the floor and started stabbing it and hitting it with his bat violently.

More and more tears rolled down from Max's eyes as she witness the precious item that her father left behind for her before he died, being ruined brutally right in front of her eyes. 

"Stop! Let go of my skateboard!" Max cried and stood up and kicked Jones right in the face.

"Fuck off, fag." Jones said as he caress his face and took out a pen knife and stabbed Max in the kidney as Max slowly collapses on the floor, Jones and his gang ran away.

When Billy found Max, Max was already unconscious and her kidney is already severely damaged.

"Max would need someone to donate her another kidney or she will die. Not now but maybe in a few hours or in about a day." The surgeon explained.

"Where can we find someone to donate her a kidney?" Billy asked worriedly.

"I can. I am willing to." A boy said, walking towards Billy.

"Nate?" Billy asked.

Nate Walker is Max's best friend in California. Since they were only 5.

"No, no. There's no way I am letting you do this. If Max is here right now, she wouldn't want you to give your life to her. Nate, you will die donating your kidney to her!" Billy said with widened eyes.

"Then what? Your just gonna let Max die? I am not going to allow that! She's my best friend. I want her alive." Nate replied and immediately walked towards the surgeon to confirm the decision.

"Nate, Max is gonna miss you a lot. She probably is going to drown herself with tears." Billy said reluctantly.

"It's for the best, Billy." Nate replied with a smile.

And just like that, Nate Walker never woke up again.

"Haha! Well, a loser and ugly nerd like Nate Walker didn't deserve to live anyways." Jones cheered with a huge laughter. As soon as Jones and his gang heard about what happened to Nate Walker, they went to celebrate instead of feeling guilty and mourning Nate's death in pain.

Jones even found a small hut that Max made with her dead father before his death when Max is only 5, upon witnessing the perfect opportunity for destruction in front of Jones's eyes, he went to burn the hut down. Leaving Max in a worser mental state and soon Max left California and went to Hawkins for a fresh start.

Author's Note: short chapter, again. 🥲 I am kinda busy now as school is reopening soon so yeah. 😭😭😭

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