Martin Brenner. || Chapter 10.

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(Eleven's POV)

Papa dragged me to another room forcefully when I was yelling for Jones to stop hurting Max but my yells were useless since these assholes used a cloth to shut me up and putted a bullet through my left leg to weaken me. I recognized the room that Papa dragged me into instantly. It was the rainbow room to train all the children like me's powers.

"Eleven, I'm sure you still remember this room right?" Papa asked while slowly removing the cloth in my mouth.

"CALL THAT BASTARD JONES OR TWO OR WHATEVER SHIT HE IS TO STOP WHATEVER HE IS DOING TO MAX RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled enormously loudly and echoes could be heard at Papa.

"You know I can't do that, Eleven." Papa replied. You know what? I'm so done with calling this merciless old man papa.

"Shut up and let him stop whatever he is doing now." I said while death glaring at Martin Brenner.

"Two is my son. It is my choice to whether or not let him stop whatever he is doing and obviously he doesn't seem like he want to stop any time soon so Eleven, would you mind to mind of your own business?" Martin Brenner replied.

"I will kill you if anything happens to Max!" I yelled again.

"Not if I kill you first. What if I turn you into something just like your mother? How'd you like that?" Martin Brenner asked while giving off an uneasy vibe. Of course I did not agree to what Martin Brenner said but you know, how can I stop a psychotic man whom is ten times bigger than me? Martin Brenner immediately grabbed my arm, his grasp was so tight that my arm became swollen in just seconds. He then pulled me into the surgery room that I recognized in my mother's memories. It was the room where I was born and the exact place where Martin Brenner abducted me from my mother, also the same place where my mother's brains were fried. More and more rage arisen in me when I thought of how Max could've been hurt and how much pain my mother had to go through just because of this jerk in front of me. Before I even know it, I screamed and my powers broke everything surrounding me and Martin Brenner got knocked on to a wall. After realizing what I just did, I immediately ran out of the surgery room and tried to find my way to the room that Max was in until I knocked on to someone, Jones. Well since Jones is actually Martin Brenner's son, I guess his real name is actually Jones Brenner huh. Asshole. To escape from the current situation just so that I can go and save Max later on, I decided to act like as if I fainted. I pretended to be fainting as I slowly collapse on to floor but Jones caught me.

"Annoying since childhood." Jones mumbled with an eye roll and carried me to the nurse's office in the lab.

"She fainted." Jones said and passed me to the nurse.

"Okay. I will nurse her back to health in just a sec." The nurse replied with a bow and Jones left the nurse's office.

After Jones left the nurse's office, I immediately got up and before the nurse could scream for the guards, I used my powers and killed her by accident. Well at least I can go and find Max now. After all that just happened, I immediately ran out of the nurse's office and searched for the room that Max was in. I was overjoyed that I finally found her. But before I could open the door, my sight faded as I slowly fainted. And this time, it was real. I really fainted at the worse timing.

(Max's POV)

Although my fingers are broken, I am still able to grab the small piece of wood to free myself so as of now, I am free from the ropes I was tied on. I looked around and realised finally no one was around so I immediately ran towards the nearby door and start looking for Eleven. I hope she's fine. I kept running until I heard voices from a particular room with a large glass mirror outside. I carefully and quietly walked towards the room to peak at the mirror and what I witnessed surprised me. It was Eleven. I was extremely glad, she's safe! Just when I was about to crash open the doors, I heard several footsteps from afar. I immediately sighed and rolled my eyes, then hid in a nearby janitor's closet. When I peak outside the closet, I saw Jones and Dr Brenner speaking to each other.

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