I was worried. I truly was. || Chapter 3.

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- in the hospital -
( Max's POV )

I woke up and opened my eyes to see that I am in a hospital. What happened?

Just when I was about to sit up, someone held on to my back.

"Be careful." Eleven said worriedly.

I was surprised to see her.

"What happened?" I asked curiously and knocked my head in pain.

"Your not supposed to knock your head when its painful. Just now, after you handed me a handkerchief to wipe my nose, your stepfather suddenly got up and shot your left arm with a gun, then you fainted." Eleven explained.

"Where is he now? Did the police get him?" I asked.

"No. He ran away with a car after he shot you when he saw my father's police car." Eleven replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked and checked on Eleven.

"I should be the one asking you that." Eleven chuckled and replied.

"About your question just now about hating you.. I just want to clarify with you that I do not actually.. um, hate you. I just didn't know how to socialise with others and more specifically, talk to you. Honestly, when I first saw you, I found you pretty cool as well but I just didn't know how to talk to you or introduce myself to you or befriend you. I understand that you may think that I hate you, but the truth is no, I do not hate you. I hope you can feel relieved hearing this." Eleven explained and gave me a thumbs up.

I chuckled softly and replied with a 'okay.'

All of a sudden, someone slammed open the hospital ward door. It was Lucas. That annoying stalker. Again.

"Max! Your awake! Are you okay? Oh god. I can't believe that asshole shot you with a gun!" Lucas said worriedly and hugged me tightly and suddenly a force pushed him away from me.

"She doesn't feel comfortable. Besides she is still injured, don't you find yourself hilarious for hugging a injured patient?" Eleven said, rolled her eyes and glared at Lucas.

"She's my girlfriend, so stay out of this, Eleven. Just because you are Mike's girlfriend, doesn't mean you have the rights to be bossy. You stupid bitch." Lucas said and raised his fist towards Eleven.

I couldn't believe what Lucas just said.

"Who is your girlfriend? I don't even like you! And she wasn't being bossy, It is true that I was uncomfortable with you hugging me. You are the bitch here. Son of a bitch!" I yelled and slapped Lucas's face.

"Max! Be careful with your back." Eleven said worriedly and held my back.

A drop of tear fell off Lucas's eyes as he stormed out of the ward.

"Was I too cruel or harsh?" I asked El.

"Nope, don't worry." Eleven replied and patted my head softly. I couldn't help but blush.

"Thanks for saving my life, Eleven." I thanked.

Before Eleven could reply, someone opened the ward's door. It was Billy.

"Oh god, Maxie. Are you okay?" Billy asked worriedly.

"Billy! Your here! How was your date?" I asked joyfully and Eleven glared at Billy.

"It was good but I am so sorry I wasn't able to protect you from that asshole Neil." Billy apologised and hugged me.

"Aww, it's okay Billy." I replied.

"Oh by the way, Eleven, this is my elder brother, Billy." I introduced and Eleven's eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I misunderstood. Hello Billy, my name is Eleven but you can call me El or Jane." Eleven introduced herself.

"You didn't even introduce yourself properly to me back when I first met you." I pouted and said.

"Sorry." Eleven apologised with a awkward smile.

"El, you were the one who saved Maxie from Neil right?" Billy asked.

"Yeah. No offence but your father seem mentally unstable." Eleven replied.

"Yeah true. Neil has been a psychotic asshole since when I was born. He was never a good as a person or as a father. I don't even know why my mother married him or why Maxie's mother married him. If Maxie's mother didn't marry Neil, Maxie wouldn't have to suffer for so many years." Billy explained with anger as he clenches his fists.

"Hey, it's okay Billy. You have been a great brother. If my mother did not marry Neil, you wouldn't have became my brother. Becoming your sister was a honour." I said and held Billy's hands.

Billy then calmed down and smiled.

"I'll go out to buy a bowl of porridge for you, Max. You guys can continue chatting." Eleven said and left the ward.

( Eleven's POV )

When I came out of Max's hospital ward, I saw Mike sitting outside on a bench, chatting with Will.

"El! How was Max?" Will asked.

"She is doing just fine. She is having a chat with her brother right now." I replied.

"El, are you hurt?" Mike asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. I am just out here to buy a bowl of porridge for Max." I replied with a smile.

"I'll go with you." Mike suggested.

"No it's fine. Stay here and talk to Will." I replied and bid goodbye to Mike and Will.

When I came back to the hospital with a bowl of fish porridge, Billy was no longer there.

"Hey." I smiled and called Max.

"Here's your porridge." I said and passed Max the porridge and she returned me a smile.

( Billy's POV )

I was so done with Neil. I hate how he just abuses me and also Maxine. Hitting me is just fine but hitting my sister is another thing. Worse, he dared to shoot my sister with a M9A3. Many people thinks that I hates Maxine and abuses her just because she is my stepsister and I looks like a bad person but honestly, I have never hated my sister. From the first day I met Maxine when I was 10 and she was 5, I felt the need to protect her at all costs. She was my baby sister. Since when Maxine was only 5, Neil would always attempt to throw a alcohol glass towards Maxine and the 10 year old me would always take cover and protect Maxine. Hearing this, maybe people might think that I will have a grudge with Max as I suffered because of her, but no. I felt happy. I protected Max willingly. I needed her safe, I wanted her safe. When someone text me just now saying that Neil shot Maxine at Starcourt Mall, I immediately dumped my date and ran to my car and drove to the mall. I was so worried. Back in school, Maxine would always get bullied too and I always have to protect her from those bullies. My father became even more abusive towards Maxine when she came out as a lesbian a year ago. Bullies also became worse after she came out. Maxine claimed to have a crush on her friend's girlfriend. Neil did not accept her. Neil hated her, so did Susan, Maxine and I's mother. When I met Eleven just now, I was sure she was the one that Maxine had a crush on two years ago. I was the only one who supported Maxine being a lesbian. I felt sorry. I truly did. Everyone should be treated equally. Just because she likes someone with the same gender, everyone thinks it equals that she is crazy, mentally ill, weird or an alien. Liking the same gender was not wrong. It was never wrong. I don't understand why homophobes exists. Why can't everyone just accept everyone just the way they are? Argh, I said too much.


The sound of a M9A3 handgun rang in my ears.

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