Who Can Be Trusted?

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We reached the edge of the field surrounding the prison walkers were everywhere clawing at the metal fences trying to get inside the prison. Rick decided if we could kill enough of them to just get inside the prison gates safely we would be fine. I looked at Ashlyn not knowing if she was good at fighting for herself or not, I guess I was about to find out, silently vowing in my head that I would not allow any walkers, or prisoners, to hurt my sister.

I removed the swords off my back deciding that when Daryl starts riding towards the prison I would have both swords either side of me chopping off the heads of any walkers beside us, I had been travelling on the back of Daryl's bike for a long time now and had perfected the art of staying on without holding on with both hands so this seemed like a good idea to me. I looked around me everyone who could take care of themselves were preparing to fight off the walkers. Glenn, Maggie, Rick, Daryl and I all loaded our weapons and got ready, the rest of the group including Ashlyn stayed in the RV to keep safe.

Slowly and quietly we made our way towards the walkers careful not to draw too much attention to our selves, my sword silently cut through three walkers swiftly and cleanly allowing them to fall to the floor like a fly would drop from the sky after being sprayed with fly killer.

We attracted the attention of quite a few walkers but luckily for us their slow movements made them very easy to dispose of, everyone got to the gates safely with no one being hurt but now was the difficult task, opening the large metal gates would make a huge noise and would attract the attention of every walker within a 20 mile radius Daryl, Glenn, Maggie and I made a semi circle around Rick as he tried to get the gates open. We fended off any walkers that got too close and protected Rick until we heard the loud squeak of the gates opening everyone rushed inside followed by the RV and Rick closed us in.

There was another metal gate just beyond the one we had come through and while we were in the safe confinement between the two gates we looked into the prison grounds. More walkers were roaming around inside and there would possibly be more inside the prison Rick and Glenn made a plan on how best to deal with these walkers. Some of them used to be prison guards and had riot gear on including helmets that would make them very hard to kill.

We decided the RV and the people who couldn't look after themselves would stay here where they were safe while the rest of us went to clear the prison. Ashlyn decided she wanted to help too and came along with us. The plan was to be as quiet as possible and only use our silent weapons like our knives, swords and bows to kill the walkers inside the gates, the walkers with head gear were potentially harmless as their teeth couldn't get through the plastic shield covering their faces yet if they did get too close Rick told us to try going underneath the headgear with a knife to kill them that way.

We stormed in Daryl killing the first few walkers with arrows through the left eye killing them instantly, using my swords I went for the nearest walker slicing his head of his shoulders. We carried on through another set of gates disposing of any walkers that crossed our paths until we came to the first door of the prison cell block A. Rick opened the door with a loud creak and we all waited outside the doors for any walkers that would come towards the noise.

There were only 5 walkers in the whole of cell block A the rest were already killed meaning someone had been here before us. Declaring Cell Block A safe we went back to retrieve the rest of the group from the safety between the gates to take them back into the building. We walked inside while Rick and Daryl tried to find a light source everyone was cautious incase there were any walker we had missed, suddenly a blinding light came on and Daryl and Rick came into view.

"Emergency lighting" Daryl explained
"Know how longs left on it?" I asked
"Not a clue" he told me

Everyone else had now chosen cells to call their bedroom or private space or whatever. Daryl and I decided to keep up our tradition and share a cell on the second floor we put our bags down and Carol and Lori decided they would make some food up while the rest of us cleared the walkers out of the building.

As we were dragging the bodies from the building I heard talking down the hall. We had all decided to stick together since the prison was a large place and the rest of the cell blocks hadn't been cleared yet.

"Do you hear that?" I whispered to Daryl
"Coming from further down the block" he replied and I nodded we signalled Rick and headed towards the voices with our weapons ready these people could be dangerous if they were living in the prison.

"You gotta find the keys Sara" a male voice said
"I don't know where they are they're probably on some undead freak out there and I'm not getting them if they are" a younger girl replied.
"Look you're an actress, so act like a tough girl take a knife and go find the keys" another angrier man said through gritted teeth.
"Correction, I used to be an actress. In case you hadn't noticed there's no TV in the world now" she replied sarcastically "I'm feeding you and keep you both alive ain't that enough?"
"Sara the lights just came on by themselves, I'm not thick enough to think there's ghosts here, it's people we need to be able to protect ourselves"
"Will, shut up, we don't need protection from anyone" Sara answered bluntly

We stepped into the cell room two men were behind bars in orange jumpsuits both had overgrown beards and long shaggy hair one was an older man with greying hair and green eyes. The other was younger with blonde hair and brown eyes. The girl had brown hair halfway down her shoulders and blue eyes, she had tanned skin but wasn't too dark and she had a bow at her feet with a bag of arrows next to them. She wasn't wearing any prisoner clothing which made me believe she was to be trusted until Daryl said in a shocked and confused voice.



Ooooo new characters

Thank you to SaraBookLover20 for her details on the part of Sara more will come for her soon!

As always thank you for reading, I hope you are enjoying the story and don't forget to vote and comment :) longish chapter for you all today so feel lucky ;)

Thank you lovelies

-- Chloe xxx

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