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The last few weeks, 21 days actually, have been a total blur, nothing has really happened. Luke has been nothing but nice helping out wherever he can especially with Ashlyn, the two of them became quite the adorable couple and April has just been the cutest trying to play with Rick's baby, Hope, Rick and Carl finally named lil ass kicker, little Hope Lori Grimes.

The only time anyone really leaves the prison is in supply runs usually for nappies, baby milk and food. Hope was a good baby though she rarely cried especially if she was outside it was like she knew that the noise would attract bad things. Beth had sort of become the motherly figure for Hope she was always helping Rick with changing and feeding her and she was really good at it.

Maggie and Glenn had got engaged. Glenn spent hours at the fence of the prison looking at the female walkers left hands to find a ring for Maggie, they haven't tied the knot yet but I guess they will soon. Hershel was completely fine with it too, Glenn asked for his blessing and he got it, along with a golden watch Hershel said was a family air loom and since Glenn was the closest thing he had to a son that's who he gave it to.

Carol became the head chef preparing meals however she best could and serving them fairly, she said she wanted to learn to shoot so T-Dog has been giving her lessons in the court yard with a silencer so they don't attract any more of the dead.

Sara and I had actually become really close friends, maybe even best friends, she seemed reluctant at first but after the trip I went on and getting her some clothes and losing the only two people she really had I guess we connected. We spoke mainly about the past about our fathers, families and jobs I never opened up to her like I did with Daryl but I felt like I could if I wanted to.

She was 19, her dad met her mother while he was on a day out with the prison he was in she had a sister that she knew of but she didn't know her name or what she looked like because the baby was given to her grandfather and then put in care homes after that she never saw her sister she only knew that she would be 15 years old now.

I knew how hard that must be because I never met my father, my Grandpa had shown me and Ashlyn pictures of him when we were younger but we never saw him.

Daryl and I were getting along really well, nothing was rushed and everything was genuine, and I fell in love with him. There were many times I wanted to tell him but my fear of scaring him off soon stopped me I needed to be careful of how Daryl felt and what he wanted considering his bad past.


The sun was shining over the field in the court yard, Rick had found some seeds, flowers and fruit, that he and Hershel decided to plant in the garden. Nothing has grown yet but they water and dig every day together.

Nothing bad has happened in the last 21 days, it's almost felt normal until today. Today it's felt like someone or something has been watching us, I've looked out across the fields and even been in the watch tower to see if anyone was out there but I couldn't see anything.

"You okay?" Daryl called from the ground as he looked up at me in the tower
"Yeah, all good, just coming down" I called back turning to walk down the stairs Daryl was waiting at the bottom holding the door open for me. I looked at him and then something over his shoulder caught my eye.

Two people were walking toward us, one was an African-American lady with dreadlocks she was carrying a basket on her arm and two samurai swords on her back like me. The other was a man who I recognised but couldn't quite put my finger on who he was. The African-American lady had two walkers on chains, their arms and jaws cut off and they all strolled through the herd of walkers without even blinking and the other walkers didn't pay them any attention.

"Rick, we got company" Daryl called over to him
"Should we let them in?" I asked
Rick pinched the bridge of his nose then started walking towards us "only let them in the first gate"
By this time everyone inside the prison had heard the commotion and came outside to stand near the gates. Sara, Ashlyn and I were all standing together as Rick let the two strangers in.

"Leave the walkers outside" Rick ordered the lady with dreadlocks who tied them up outside the gates as if they were her pets. "Who are you?" Rick asked
"My name is Michonne, please Rick you have to let us in" the lady told us
"How do you know my name?" Rick questioned ignoring the man who's face was being covered by a mass of dirty blonde hair
"it's Andrea, I know where she is and I think she may be in danger" Michonne replied "I brought food, baby milk and water, can we come in" she asked again
"Who's he?" Daryl asked nodding his head slightly in the direction of the man. The man looked up and I recognised him even more Ashlyn and I both gasped while Sara seemed kind of excited.
"My name is James Keeling" he told the group
Ashlyn and I looked at each other shocked neither of us had ever met our dad but our Grandad had shown us pictures of him and told us multiple stories.
"Dad" Sara squealed and my head swung round to look at her shocked
"What?" I asked my eyes widening while everyone just stared at us.


Oooo so that was the big storyline for Ashlyn and Sara :p I hope I didn't disappoint you!

And sorry if anyone was hoping that the baby would be called Judith I didn't really think that name was a good one even in the show so I changed it!

Thank you all for reading don't forget to vote and comment :p thank you!

Love and Hugs - Chloe xx

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