The Other Group

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"You know her?" Rick questioned me
"She's my sister..." I stuttered shocked she was finally here expecting to wake up from a dream I was having
"Ruby?" Ashlyn whispered "is that really you?"
Tears started to fall down both our cheeks as we hugged 5 years and finally my sister is back with me
"I'm so glad you're safe" I sobbed refusing to let go
"I can't believe you're really here, I thought I'd never see you again" she whispered
I pulled back to look at her face better, other than the mud and dried blood that had become normal in this life she looked reasonably healthy and then it actually dawned on me, Rick had he tied up in a boot... Why?
"Why was my sister tied up in that boot?" I asked looking between Rick and Ashlyn
"Rue" Ashlyn started using my old nickname "it wasn't his fault, this arsehole" she said nodding her head in the direction of the tied up boy "told him about our group, failed to mention we were running away from them since they are nasty people"
I untied Ashlyn's hands while asking who the boy was
"He's one of the good guys from our camp, kept me safe at least" she sighed something bad must be going on at her camp "what's he going to do with us?" She asked motioning to Rick
"Rick? He won't hurt you don't worry, he'll probably just ask a few questions make sure he can trust you both then maybe allow you into the group, you're my sister though so whatever happens you'll have me with you, I promise" I told her
"Wait so this is you're sister?" Daryl asked sounding confused "you never mentioned no sister"
"Erm, I didn't think I'd ever see her again Daryl, it was an upsetting subject" I replied
"Is this a boyfriend?" Ashlyn mocked making kissy faces and rubbing her wrists where the ropes had been tied
Blushing I looked away and thankfully Daryl changed the subject
"She's even shorter than you must run in the family" he laughed and chucked me back my backpack he stole earlier
Rick walked over to me leading me away from Ashlyn
"Listen Ruby, you're a vital part of this group and I trust your judgement, your sister is fine to stay with us but we don't know the boy and I don't know how well Ashlyn does either, we need to be sure he doesn't get too much information out of us, okay?" He stated
"Uh yeah sure, I'll take care of Ashlyn if she's ever out of line, she's usually very down to earth though" I replied
"Could you find out from Ashlyn some more information on this group they were with?" Rick asked
"I'll do my best" I told him
Rick nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose, probably trying I figure out what to do with the boy and then walked back to the group.

Rick led the tied boy to the now empty barn for questioning while the rest of the group continued to pack up and I had some time with Ashlyn
"I'm so glad your safe we have so much catching up to do" I almost squealed like a little girl
"I know but that Rick guy wants to know about our group doesn't he?" She asked
"Yeah" I started "but we can do that later"
"I wanna do it now, ill go tell him everything be back soon Rue" she rushed then ran off towards the barn


Thank you as always for all the reads, comments and votes everything is very much appreciated!

I hope your enjoying this story! Thank you all

Chloe xx

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