On the move

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Daryl walked over to Merle's hand wrapping it in a dirty looking cloth, just as Glenn and Rick came rushing through to the roof.

'Wheres Merle?' Glenn asked out of breath.
'Musta cut his hand off to get outta those handcuffs' Daryl stated coldly giving Rick a dirty look. Daryl walked over to Glenn placing the hand in the cloth in his back pack while Glenn gagged. 'Theres a trail of blood heading that way, I'm followin' it' he said and walked towards the edge of the roof. It looked like Merle had crawled through a window as there was more blood on the windowsill. Daryl crawled in first and the rest of us followed.

We looked around, Rick noticed blood on a small stove in the corner of the room.
'He must of burnt the stump to stop it bleeding' he told Daryl.
'Tough son of a bitch, my brother' he chuckled. He looked out of the window finding no sign more signs of Merle. 'We gotta look on the streets' Daryl told us.
'No' Rick told him bluntly. 'we gotta get the guns, we looked for Merle he's not here, now were leaving' he turned to leave as Daryl opened his mouth to argue back, I put my hand on Daryl's arm and he looked down at me.
'Merle knows where the camp is, right?' I asked and he nodded 'stop worrying then, he'll find his way back' he nodded again and we walked after Rick, T-Dog and Glenn.

We walked outside killing off walkers as we went, trying to be as quiet as possible. Rick and Glenn hadn't managed to get the guns so they needed our help. Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn and I were distracting the walkers and disposing of them when they got too close while Rick headed to the guns. Rick picked up the bag and a hat which he swiftly put on his head. A sheriffs hat.

He started to come back to us and I turned with Daryl and Glenn to open the gate to an ally way leading to the back of the hardware store. Once the gate was open I saw a young Mexican boy with short black hair in the way.
'Ya know where my brother is?' Daryl yelled at him.
The boy looked scared and turned his head slightly still looking at Daryl 'AYUDAME!' He shouted 'AYUDAME!'

Two large Mexican men ran into the ally, one of them grabbing Glenn the other reaching for the bag of guns in Rick's hands. Rick swiftly threw the bag behind him while Daryl shot the man holding Glenn in the butt with his arrow, he shouted in pain but continued to hold Glenn captive his hand over his mouth. The other large man grabbed me by the arm and shouted to the others 'let's go' dragging me backwards.

I saw Daryl grab the smaller Mexican boy by the shirt and pushing him to the ground his crossbow pointed at him at while he stared after us. I fought to get free from the man kidnapping me but it was no use, he was too strong. I was pushed into the boot of a car and everything went black. 'Hand over the guns or come locked and loaded' one Mexican man yelled although it was muffled.

I was in the car boot for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. The largest of the 2 men there grabbed me by the arm and pulled me from the boot. I saw Glenn being treated the same way, the men lead us to what looked like a very large storage area with red doors that desperately needed a paint job. The man holding Glenn banged loudly three times on the metal doors and the rusty hinges squeaked open.

My eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light but once they did I saw elderly people sitting around in wheelchairs. 'Phillipe, they needa be out of here, people are coming to get these two they have the bag of guns' the man holding me said.
Another man the one who had opened the doors nodded 'okay everyone help the elders out of here and be ready for conflict' he ordered 'Jean-Luc, Paul, take those two out back with them' he told our kidnappers.

They pushed us through a wooden door along with the elder people. The hallway was bright and my eyes adjusted quickly, we were in a hallway with doors either side and old, sick, people in wheelchairs in the hallway or peering out of their rooms. I looked at Glenn who had the same expression of shock on his face. We were told to sit in a small room where 2 chihuahuas sat in a bed. Immediately I ran over to stroke them!

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