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Everyone rushed into the light I had to slightly drag Starstruck as she didn't want to come, the doors slammed shut when we were all inside. Once our eyes adjusted a man in a white lab coat emerged standing a long way away from us.
'Thank you' Rick said and when the man looked confused he added 'for letting us in'
'Your not staying' the man in the lab coat told us bluntly.
'What? You going to send us back out there with those, those things!' Rick yelled, 'you'll kill us!'
'Please' Carol pleaded 'I have a little girl, Lori and Rick have a little boy, please don't send us back out there'
'You can stay, but you do something for me?' The man said still being blunt.
'What?' Rick asked.
'I need a blood sample from all of you' the man stated. Rick looked at all of us. We couldn't go back out there not until the walkers had passed at least. Everyone agreed to the blood sample and the man lead us to a room, I tied Starstruck's reins to a railing near the doors leaving her a bowl of freshwater and some apples.
'I'm Dr. Jenner by the way' he stated as we each introduced ourselves.
'Where's everyone else?' Rick questioned.
'Im all that's left' Jenner stated.

Everyone had a blood test taken each time I got closer to Jenner my heart skipped a beat, I hate needles and injections more than anything in the world, needles and clowns just terrify me! Finally it was my turn after Daryl, he looked at me holding a piece of cotton wool to his arm.
'You okay?' He asked concern in his voice.
I nodded 'just scared of needles' I replied.
'It's not as bad as it looks, don't tense your arm, just relax and look away you'll be fine' he told me. I nodded again and sat next to Jenner.
'Not pregnant are you?' He asked glancing at Daryl I looked at him then realised what he meant.
'No!' I exclaimed embarrassed at the assumption. He took my blood as I looked away Daryl was right it wasn't so bad but at least it was over with.

'Hot water is available and a meal will be provided later on, please be careful with the water, it will run out' Jenner told us and my eyes widened. Hot water! I haven't had a proper shower in months, I rushed into a room and Daryl followed.
'I'm in the shower first!' I told him.
'You got my clean clothes though' he said.
'Oh yeah, hold on I'll get them' I turned to get his clothes from the bag. I turned round again as I heard the click of a door. 'You bastard' I whispered under my breath realising Daryl had tricked me to get in the shower first, I shook my head and laughed then waited for him to finish on the bed.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up to a snoring Daryl who had wet hair covering his forehead and wearing one of the new shirts I got him with the sleeves ripped off. I climbed out of the bed careful not to wake Daryl, I slipped into the bathroom but there was no lock. I undressed and turned the shower on, putting out my hand I made sure the water was just the right temperature. I got into the shower using the soap to clean the blood, grime and mud off of my body and the shampoo washing my dirty blonde hair, the scars from my past making me cringe. The hot water felt amazing against my skin I just wanted to stay in there forever but respecting Jenner's wishes I turned it off and climbed out.

The door to the bathroom opened and I grabbed the towel on the rack quickly wrapping it round my body making sure no skin was showing at all. 'Haven't you heard of knocking' I scowled at Daryl who laughed.
'Sorry didn' realise you were in 'ere,was just going fer a wee befor dinner' he told me 'ya do know that yer meant to have yer arms outta the towel right?' He added raising one eyebrow.
I shrugged and walked into the bedroom quickly drying myself and throwing on the clean clothes I had gotten I didn't want people seeing my scars, I didn't want to answer their questions.

Daryl walked out of the bathroom and looked me over as I tied my hair into a braid draping over my right shoulder. 'Ready?' He asked me and I nodded. We walked to the cafeteria together.
'You know, Jenner thought I was pregnant, asked me before he took my blood sample' I told him.
'So?' He asked.
'He thought it was yours' I giggled.
'Oh' he laughed 'you ain't pregnant though are ya?'
'No, couldn't be, still a virgin' I stated then clasped a hand over my mouth realising what I'd just said. I felt my cheeks burning and Daryl just laughed.
'Nothing ter be embarrassed about 'least you ain't a slut' he said still laughing. I hit him playfully in the chest relaxing a little bit as we got to the cafeteria.

'Smells good' I stated my tummy rumbling in agreement. I sat down next to Daryl and Carl sat next to me. Everyone looked so clean now they had showers, everyone wore clean clothes and their hair was still drying. Jenner brought in 2 bottles of wine and handed one to me and one to Rick. He brought in glasses and orange juice for people who didn't want wine and the children.

I opened the bottle and Daryl took it off me smelling the wine then pouring some into both our glasses only half way. I looked at him confused 'don't get too drunk, never know when ya might need ya wits about ya' he told me I knew he was right and made the wine last. Everyone else was getting drunk and having a good time, the kids had gone to a small rec room to play in while the rest of us waited for Jenner.

When Jenner came back Shane stood up. 'You gonna tell us what the hells going on or not?' He asked rudely. Instead of answering Shane's questions he told us to go to sleep and he would talk to us tomorrow.

I decided to have a nose around the CDC while everyone headed to there rooms telling Daryl I'd be back soon, somehow we always managed sharing a bed. I walked the halls looking into each room Carol, Lori, Carl and Sophia were in the rec room Lori looking at the books on the shelves while Carol was telling the kids to go to bed. I walked down the hall finding nothing else of interest and decided to go to bed.

On the way back I heard voices in the rec room. Shane's drunken voice sounded through the door 'how can you treat me like this?' He asked 'I really though Rick was dead, I didn't hear no heartbeat, and I had you and Carl to think about' he pleaded.
'No Shane, you stay away from me you hear!' Lori's voice answered back and she rushed through the door crying.
'Lori? Are you okay?' I asked. She nodded and rushed to her room.

Shane came out not long after and I gave him a dirty look not knowing what he had done but knowing it must have been bad to make Lori cry like that. I walked back to mime and Daryl's room, he was sitting on the bed waiting for me.
'You didn't go to sleep?' I asked.
'Nah wanted to make sure you weren't gonna get ya'self lost' he replied.
'I think something's happened with Shane and Lori, I just heard the, arguing and she was crying' I told him.
'Ah that's nothing, Shane told 'er Rick was dead and them two were screwing around 'til he found 'er and Carl thats probly all it's about' he said yawning on the last part. I climbed into the bed and shivered.
'Ya cold?' Daryl asked and I nodded 'come 'ere' he offered holding his arms open for me to lay on his chest 'body heat will make you warm' he stated and I shuffled closer resting my head on his chest. Listening to the steady pace of his heartbeat I drifted off to sleep.


Aww I'm really getting into this little romance of theirs :P cuties!
I'm having loads of fun writing this so I really hope your all enjoying it as much as I am!
As always thank you for reading I really appreciate it.
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Thank you
- Chloe xx

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