The Farm

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I woke up after having a dream about Starstruck, I dreamt about the first time I had met her and how she was so skinny and frightened but trusted me anyway and let me take her from the barn. I dreamt about how we instantly connected and how she was always there when I needed her. She was the sweetest horse I had ever come across and I loved her like she was my own child. I wiped the tears from my face and looked down, Daryl's jacket was wrapped around me and I smiled a little knowing he put it over me when I was cold last night, how sweet.

I jumped up from the sofa and put the jacket on, it was way too big for me and the sleeves went past my hands, giggling to myself I hopped out of the RV. Daryl and Rick were making a plan of where to look for Sophia next. Shane, Glenn and T-Dog were moving more cars out of the pathway.
'Think I'll keep this jacket suits me don't you think' I winked at Daryl when he looked up at me.
'Not just yet sweet cheeks don't even fit ya properly' he told me
I walked over to him to give the jacket back, I kissed he cheek softly 'thank you for putting it over me last night that was sweet of you' I said and walked over to Carl who was sitting on the floor.
'I ain't sweet' Daryl yelled from behind me
'Whatever you say tough guy' I laughed

'You alright Carl?' I asked kneeling beside him. He nodded but didn't look up at me, him and Sophia were good friends I knew he was upset. 'Hey, why don't you ask your dad if you can come look for Sophia with us?' He looked up at me wide eyed.
'Really?' He asked
'Sure, but only if your mum and dad say it's okay' I replied
He hugged me 'thank you Ruby, your the best, no ones ever asked me to help them before'
Carl ran over to his dad and Daryl walked over to me. He handed me something in a piece of tissue.
'Whats this?' I asked confused
Daryl shrugged looking at the floor shyly 'open it' he said
I opened the tissue and sitting inside was a necklace with a small horse charm on it. I stared at it tears filling my eyes, nobody ever brought me anything.
'I know ya miss Starstruck 'n I'm sorry I wouldn' let ya to get her I just didn't want ya to die trying to save her' he said sadly 'I got ya that on a run we did while you was still sleepin' hope ya like it'
'Daryl, I love it, I don't know what to say, no ones ever done something like that for me, thank you' I whispered wrapping my arms round his neck in a tight hug.

Rick called us both back to the rest of the group and I fastened the necklace round my neck tucking the charm into my t-shirt.
'Right, this is what's gonna happen, me, Daryl, Ruby and Carl are gonna head to the creek where I left Sophia we'll head north from there. Glenn and T-Dog your gonna take the west side. Shane and Andrea take the east side. Carol, Dale and Lori stay here incase Sophia comes back, we'll meet back here in a few hours, any problems fire 2 gunshots and we'll come looking for you, got it?'

Everyone walked into the woods towards the creek heading our separate ways, Daryl, Rick, Carl and I headed north from the creek. Daryl stopped after a few minutes and kneeled onto the floor 'footprints' he stated and headed in the direction they were heading. We walked a little way finding no other signs of Sophia, we walked into a small clearing with a small tent a walker hanging from a tree above it thrashing around.

Daryl crawled into the tent making a face when he opened the door, a rotting body laid inside and Daryl came out holding a pistol which he put in his pocket. We continued our search for Sophia when Carl made a little gasp of excitement I turned in his direction seeing the same thing he did, a single deer, grazing on the bushes right in front of us.
'Shh don't make a noise Carl, you'll scare it' Rick said
Daryl rose his cross bow at it but seeing how interested Carl was he lowered it again, I smiled at him was I really the only one seeing through his 'tough guy' act seeing how sweet he really was?
Carl slowly started to walk towards the deer his hand outstretched towards it, as he got within reach a shot fired, I turned around waiting for another one to signal one of our group was in trouble but instead Carl fell to the floor holding his chest.
'Carl!' Rick screamed rushing over to his son picking him up in his arms
'Oh no, not a kid, please don't be a kid' another man cried approaching Rick, he was a chubby looking man with soft features he didn't look like a nasty person. 'Im so sorry I didn't realise y'all were her, I was just trying to get some dinner for us, please let me help you' the man rushed barely taking a breath.
Rick nodded and the man continued 'I live on a farm we have a veterinarian there but I've seen Hershel do all kinds of stuff on people too, he can help I'm sure of it I'll take ya too him, I'm Otis by the way'

We all ran through the woods Rick ahead of all of us.
'How far?' He screamed at Otis.
'Keep going you'll get to the farmhouse ask for Hershel tell him I sent you' he said gasping for breath
We carried on running till we came to a large farm with white fencing around it a young blonde girl came over to us her eyes widened when she saw Carl.
'Come inside' she told us 'Dad!' She yelled when we got to the house and an old looking man with a white beard came towards us.
'Was he bit?' He asked
'Shot' Rick said breathlessly 'by your man Otis'
'Get him in there' the old man said 'I'm Hershel' they both rushed into another room as Otis burst through the front door

Rick came out of the other room after a few minutes and slumped to the floor
'He's gonna be alright Rick' I told him kneeling in front of him
'What am I gonna tell Lori?' He asked shocked 'god Ruby, what the hell am I gonna tell her?'
'Do you want me to go get her?' A young girl with short brown hair called Maggie asked 'I gotta horse I can get there quicker than you will on foot where is she?'
'Near the highway there searching for a little girl they're probably still in the woods' I told her
She nodded and rushed outside to the stables to get Lori.


A few hours later I had met everyone at the farm, Otis had a wife called Patricia, the blonde girl who brought us into the house was called Beth, her sister was the brown haired girl called Maggie, who had gone to get Lori, Jimmy was Beth's boyfriend and Hershel was her Dad.

Lori and Maggie came back about half an hour after Maggie left to go get her and the rest of the group had managed to find their way here in the RV not long afterwards. Lori, Rick and Hershel were all in the bedroom with Carl they had been in there for at least an hour and a half. The rest of us were sitting around in the dining room and kitchen nervously chatting amongst each other, Beth had passed round sandwiches she had made and we ate them while waiting for news on Carl.

After what seemed like forever Hershel and Rick finally came out of the bedroom, Rick was holding a cloth to his arm and I guessed Lori was still sitting with Carl.
'Carl's fine, for now, Rick just gave him a blood transfusion but I don't have the correct medical equipment to keep him alive, the bullet broke into 7 shards I won't be able to get them out without surgery, it's possible he won't wake up' Hershel told us sadly.
'What equipment do you need? There's a high school not far from here they have medical equipment, I'll go get it for you, I'm the one that did this I need to help him somehow' Otis said looking at Hershel hopefully
'Ill go with you' Rick stated
'I don't think that's a good idea, I may need you here in case Carl needs more blood' Hershel told him and Rick nodded sadly
'Ill go' Shane said 'Carl will be fine, I'll make sure of it'
Hershel told Shane and Otis what equipment he would need and before sending them off he looked around the room at the rest of us. His eyes landed on T-Dog who was slumped against the wall with a blood stained t-shirt looking like he had a fever.
'Better get some antibiotics' Hershel added to Otis
'I got antibiotics' Daryl stated 'first class, Merle got the clap on occasion' he passed the bag to Hershel who proceeded to give T-Dog his dose of antibiotics.

Otis and Shane went to get a car to drive to the high school and I went to sit by Daryl. 'You okay?' I asked.
'Guess so, can't stop thinkin' bout that little girl' he replied
'It's okay I'm sure we'll fine her, we just gotta keep looking' I told him comfortingly 'I'm gonna see if Carl's alright, you coming?' He nodded and we walked into his room Carl was awake and was telling Lori about the deer he saw.
'You should've seen it' he stated smiling at the memory 'the deer. It was so pretty'

I knocked lightly on the door to let Lori and Carl know I was there, they turned to look at me and Daryl standing in the doorway. Lori motioned for us to come closer.
'Hey trouble, how ya doing?' I smiled at Carl
'It hurts, and I feel sick but I'm good' Carl replied
'Ya eaten?' Daryl asked and Carl shook his head
'Hershel says he's not allowed to eat before the operation' Lori told us not taking her eyes off of Carl
'Oh that's suckish you must be starv-' I started but was cut off by Carl suddenly going into a fit, Daryl rushed out of the room to get Hershel while Lori and I looked on horrified.

Poor Carl :(
As always thank you so much for reading I appreciate it a lot!

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-Chloe xx

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