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Just a little further. Keep going.

I pushed my legs to keep moving, my lungs burning but I can't give up, the freaks behind me getting closer and closer. I could hear their moans, their feet shuffling closer still. Keep going Ruby, you can't give up. A quick glance over my shoulder, they're gaining on me!

I kept running a little further and I'd be in the stables, I could grab a horse and get the hell out of there. Another look behind me, one of the dead faster than the others reached its arm towards me scraping my back I quickly stabbed it in the head and kept moving.

Almost there, a few more steps and I'd be inside. I rushed through the door causing the horses to get a little spooked, I quickly saddled a horse not bothering to make sure if it was secure enough. I jumped on almost slipping straight back off again.

She was beautiful, a creamy caramel colour with a light brown coloured mane and tail, a star shaped black dot on her nose and more black patches on her back. She seemed thin but everyone was now a days.

Once sitting securely on top of the horse I grabbed my samurai sword off my back preparing for the freaks waiting just outside the stable doors. I lightly tapped the horses back with my foot and she charged outside. She was fast for a slim horse.

Using my sword I quickly sliced the heads off the freaks that got too close. This was life now, doing whatever you can to survive. I rode the horse until I was in a small opening in a field far enough away from the freaks. I jumped off the horse and tightened the saddle, I allowed her to bend down and eat the grass surrounding her being on the look out for any more freaks.

Life hadn't exactly been perfect before the world went to shit but at least I wasn't constantly on the look out for the dead trying to rip the flesh from my bones. I stared at the horse I had acquired the only living thing I had been with since this apocalypse began. The star shaped patch on her nose made me think of a name for her; Starstruck.

I looked around trying to find where to head next, I noticed a small camp on top of a hill with cars, tents, and a small fire sending smoke into the air. I grinned knowing exactly what I would find there.



So a sneak preview of the book hopefully your interested enough to keep reading and I'll update again as soon as possible. Let me know in the comments if your interested I mean there's no point writing a story no one is going to read.

Thank you for reading.

- Chloe xx

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