Breaking down

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T-Dog was driving the RV, we'd been travelling for a few hours my butt starting to hurt from being on Starstruck too long. We were on the high way now miles away from the camp we were at. I looked at my surroundings woods lined both sides of the road, Daryl was on his motorcycle up ahead and the sports car followed just behind the RV. The RV suddenly stopped and Rick came out pinching the bridge of his nose as I climbed off Starstruck letting her walk over to the trees to eat the grass.

'RV broke down' Rick exclaimed.
'Great now what?' Glenn answered as Daryl pulled up on the motorcycle.
'I want to check out the CDC we need to find more fuel or another vehicle' Rick replied.
'Whats the CDC?' Daryl and I questioned in unison.
'Before Glenn found me I was with another man and his son, they were travelling to Atlanta to find a safe place, they told me about a place called the CDC they think it might have an answer to all this' Rick said making everyone go quiet.
'And you only mention this now?' Andrea yelled 'my sister got bit and I killed her when you think there may be a cure'
'I didn't want to get peoples hopes up I don't even know if it's true but it's worth a shot' Rick said sadly.
'No Rick, what if it's a hoax, we could all get killed because of this CDC' Shane replied angrily.
'Its worth a shot, what if there's a chance it is true, we have to see' Carol spoke up. 'What if there's a chance that my little girl can grow up without having to worry about those things'
'I say we go' Glenn said 'worth a shot' T-Dog agreed.
Rick looked at me and I nodded in agreement, Daryl looked at me sighed and then nodded his head at Rick to.

I gave some water in a small bowl I'd found in the RV to Starstruck. Dale had told us he would fix the RV but he would need to take the fuel from the sports car which made Glenn slightly grumpy like a child who had just been told he couldn't have an ice cream. Dale needed some tools to start fixing the RV and we all needed food, Daryl and I said we would take the motorcycle to get some supplies and bring the back.

I asked Carol and Sophia to keep an eye on Starstruck then got my sword and climbed on the motorcycle behind Daryl.
'Yer might wanna hold on' he told me.
'Round your waist?' I asked slightly embarrassed and he nodded.
I wrapped my arms around Daryl's waist and instantly felt completely safe I smiled at the feeling and Daryl started the motorcycle.

We pulled up outside a small row of shops a few miles from the group Daryl loaded his crossbow I case of any walkers. We walked to a small shop in the middle with the word "welcome" above the door. We walked in the bell inside made a small chime sound as the door opened and closed, with our weapons ready we quietly looked around the shop. Daryl went left to find the tools Dale would need while I went right to find some food.

I only came across one walker, a woman in a red apron, she must have been one of the staff at the shop, her name tag had 'Lucy' written on it. I sadly stabbed her in the side of the head with my knife a carried on. I walked into the storage cupboard surprisingly I found a large amount of food including water, tinned fruits, chocolate, crisps and box of twinkie cakes. I grabbed as much as I could and stuffed as much as would fit into my bag and zipped it up walking out to find Daryl. I found another backpack and quickly filled it with carrots, apples, sugar cubes and mints for Starstruck.

'Done?' He asked eyeing the bags on my shoulder. I opened the first one up and he nodded. 'Damn twinkies are mine' he smiled. I laughed and we walked out of the shop to the motorcycle. On the way back I noticed a car in the woods.
'Daryl, there's a car in the woods go back!' I yelled over the sound of the motor. He rode back to the spot I had seen the car and I pointed into the woods. Daryl stopped the bike and leaned it on the stand, we walked over to the trees carefully looking through to see any signs of life or walkers.

There was movement in the car, we watched a while, then suddenly a hand covered with blood hit the window from inside the car, a pale grey face with yellow eyes and chunks of flesh hanging from its mouth appeared. Daryl remembered that Dale needed a new hose for the RV and went to take another one from this car. He walked forward crossbow loaded ready for any surprises.

I walked to the back of the car checking the boot for supplies. I found a small suitcase with baby clothes inside, I looked away, saddened that the baby must have been eaten by those disgusting creatures. Another suitcase was in the back with clothes roughly the same size as mine I quickly grabbed a fresh outfit, a black pair of skinny jeans, a blue coloured crop top, a denim jacket and fresh underwear. I also picked up a few men's t-shirts for Daryl incase he needed some and stuffed all the clothes in the backpack.

Daryl came over with the hose in his hands and handed it to me. 'I can't put that in the bag it will get oil all over the food' I stated.
'Carry it then, I gotta drive the damn bike' he told me.
'Fine, but I'm wiping the oil on your shirt later' I laughed. He rolled his eyes and we walked back to the motorcycle.

We were back at the group in no time and I gave Dale the hose and tools I looked round to see Daryl crossing his arms 'ready?' I laughed showing him my oil stained fingers.
'Don't ya come near me' he laughed and walked backwards.
I walked forwards smiling and grabbing his shirt he stumbled back and I fell on top of him both of us laughing.
'I got you some more shirts anyway don't worry about the oil' I told him standing up.
'Cheers' Daryl smiled.
'If you two are done flirting we'd like to get going' Rick said.
'It weren't flirtin'' Daryl scowled going back to his usual self - straight faced and tense, kinda mysterious and very attractive.

Considering we used the fuel from the sports car to fill the RV, Glenn and Andrea had to ride in the RV with the rest of the group. T-Dog needed rest so Dale drove while Daryl was on his motorcycle and I was riding Starstruck.

We travelled for a very long time and it was almost getting dark, we got to the place Rick was talking about the CDC. Corpses were everywhere lying on the floor. Carefully and quietly everyone got out of the RV, I climbed off Starstruck but held on to her reins leading her with me we quietly walked to the metal doors of the CDC.

Rick knocked making the doors shudder and causing a loud noise that woke the walking dead. Dammit Rick! Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, Shane, Andrea and I made a semi circle around the rest of our group and started killing off the walkers but there were too many.
'Rick we need to go!' Shane screamed 'the army camp, that will be safer'
'Theres too many' I shouted looking back quickly, I noticed the small security camera move above Rick's head apparently he did too because he started shouting at it.
'If you leave us out here your killing us!' he yelled 'we have children! You have to let us in'
'Rick let's go there's no on-' Shane started to say but was cut off when the huge doors creaked open drowning us in light.


So as always thank you for reading.
What do you guys think about Ruby and Daryl's flirting? Will the CDC be safe and have the answers or not?

I hope you enjoyed this update, don't forget to vote, comment and fan!

Thank you, love to you all!

- Chloe xx

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