<Notes Before You Start>

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So I just wanted to very quickly explain how this story is going to work!

Basically what I have done here is taken the first season of a show on Netflix called "The Umbrella Academy" (originally a comic book that I very highly recommend for its rugged artwork and characters) and rewritten it to include an 8th character. By doing so I can then make it so that YOU can insert yourself into the story!

(y/n)= Your name

(e/c)= Eye color

(h/c)= Hair Color

(s/c)= Skin color

Your character also has two nicknames that will be used often in the story: "Ghost/Ghostie" or "Casper" because of her powers.

I tried to stick as close to the original script as possible, but I will be adding in more dialogue or completely new scenes to tie the 8th character (you) in a way that feels a bit more comfortable. That being said, here are some disclaimers/the general guideline for this story

-There will be some swearing, nothing super vulgar though and absolutely no harmful slurs

-If anything is ever confusing or you think it'll be helpful for me to visually draw out a scene so that you can better understand it, feel free to ask! I'll try my best to explain it!

-If there is ever any typo at all, please comment it! It is incredibly helpful and I want to make this reading experience as smooth as possible!

-Don't be afraid to give me some helpful feedback! Let me know if you think I didn't stick to a character original writing, or moved a scene too fast, etc. a second eye is very very helpful to someone like me who is sometimes too lazy to reread her own stuff!

And that's basically it!

This is my very first reader insert so I hope that you enjoy the read!


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