-Practice Makes Perfect-

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"I changed my mind, Casper!"

Diego has to shout over the wind as it whips past his open window, squinted eyes trying to make out the shadowed form of his sister crouched down on the roof of the moving truck

"Huh?" She yells back, earning a frustrated grumble from her brother

"I said-" motioning for Klaus to take the wheel, the excited looking man happily obliging, Diego shoves himself halfway out of the window to meet his sister's eyes, "I don't think we should go through with this!"

"Why not?" She responds casually, adjusting her slipping grip onto the pair of speakers bolted to the roof

"You haven't had any time to practice" Diego argues, Klaus loudly agreeing from inside the truck before he continues, "How do you know this'll work?"

The pair both switch their gazes onto the long stretch of road ahead of them, eyes focused on the group of black dots in the distance. Using the tracking device that was placed within their target's vehicle, Diego was able to eavesdrop on what was going on with their attackers through muffled audio after they had inexplicably stopped in the middle of the countryside. A deal was going to happen, an exchange to be more precise. Their brothers Five and Luther against the infamous Hazel and Cha-Cha. (y/n) remembers laughing at how almost cute those names sounded when paired with their more murderous owners.

"I don't!" she admits, adding on a sly smile when she notices the way Diego furrows his brows, "But what better way to practice then to just go for it, right?"

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Then we all get a couple new holes"

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Klaus shouts out of his own window, Diego having to slide back into the driver's seat to take hold of the abandoned steering wheel, "When did you get so fun?"

Setting her warm (e/c) onto the scrambled gathering of figures in the distance, shadowed forms rippling between the heat waves that rose from the scorched pavement, the woman finds herself thinking back to her fathers funeral. When she had passed through those wooden archways that marked the entrance to her childhood prison, she was a psychology major without any friends and poured all of her attention onto books that could explain her mental illnesses without the awkwardness of a pair of analytical eyes behind a pad and paper. Before that, she was a superhero with a coach instead of a father, a blubbering mess of tears and snot at any sign of danger, and a child that washed blood out of her clothes one too many times. Now? Now (y/n) was a human being with a single goal branded into the flesh of her heart the moment Five had pulled out that glossy prosthetic eye from his school boy coat pocket. She was going to protect her family and if that meant she was going to die doing it, then she was at least going to have a good fucking time doing it.

"Ever since I found out that the world was gonna end!" she finally replies, her smile growing as she slaps her hand onto the roof of the truck, "Now lets rip these bastards a new one!"


"Now what do we do?" Luther questions quietly, never taking his gaze off of the pair standing ahead of them

"Now..." Five watches his old friends intensely, a certain uneasiness in his eyes as he replies, "We wait."

Suddenly, the roar of an engine catches all of their attention, low rumble shaking pebbles across the road

The group all turn their bodies to face the blazing sun as it begins its disappearing act behind a hill of sand, eyes focused on the muddled form of a truck a few yards away. Through the warm breeze that passes through the empty fields surrounding them, the sizzle of a song echoes from the rusted speakers on the roof of the white van. Five, noticing the vaguely human like shape beside said speakers, let's out a grumble of frustration

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