-The Upgrade She Didn't Think She Needed-

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Diego calls out to his sister, his voice a thunderous rumble that moves across the parking lot as he leans half of his body out of the driver seat window. Slapping a hand onto the horn of the steering wheel, giving it a few good pushes and listening to the silence that comes after each shrill honk, Diego furrows his dark brows at the slow moving form that emerges from the concrete stairway

"Did you get shot or something?" he yells out, sarcastic tone poorly hiding the worry he felt as he quickly scanned her body for any sign of injury, "Why are you taking so long?"

"What?" (y/n) suddenly snaps out of her daze, feet picking up the pace when she realizes how sluggish she had been moving, "No, I'm fine I'm just-"

Her words are cut off when her gaze fixes upon her brothers who were currently seated in a van she did not recognize. Sweeping her (e/c) eyes across the unfamiliar car, she finds her mouth opening slightly in bewilderment at the dozens of colorful pictures plastered across the side.

"Is that an-" she holds back the laugh that makes it way up her throat, watching as Klaus fumbles around with a plastic packaged snow cone beside Diego, "-ice cream truck?"

Diego, frustrated by the crinkling of the package being massacred in his brothers hands, smacks the cold treat out of Klaus's grasp before turning back to (y/n) with an annoyed expression plastered across his freckled face

"Those trigger-happy assholes slashed my tires." He grumbles angrily, throwing a threatening glare back towards his brother who had sneaked another rainbow snow cone while he wasn't looking, "Now, get in the back. We have some rats to bash."

"Nice one-liner, Digs. How long did it take to come up with that one?"

"Just-" he snaps frantically towards the back of the van, hissing his response through clenched teeth, "-get in the car."

Laughing, the girl makes her way towards the back opening of the white van and throws open the doors. Kicking aside boxes of packages and expired products, (y/n) nestles herself between a dust covered spare tire and rusted freezer that chilled her shoulder when she leaned herself up against the rough surface.

"So-" she braces herself as Diego peels out from the parking lot, her body shifting with every reckless twist and turn he made to try and catch up to their attackers, "-what's the plan now?"

"We use that tracker and find out where they're going"

Moving towards the front of the vehicle, hands gripping tightly onto the cushioned seats her brothers sat in to keep her from falling over, (y/n) scoffs lightly

"And when we do?"

"We kill them."

"Yeah, I figured that much." she teases, earning an eyeroll from Diego who continues to weave in and out of lanes at a speed much too fast for her comfort

Deciding it best to leave the boys alone, their strange ramblings about their childhood pranks filling the frigid air of the truck as they continue their journey, (y/n) flops back down into her icebox corner and lets her smile fade. Beneath the shadows her face seems to shift as quickly as her mind raced, lips pulled tightly into a thin line as the hum of the van drowns out the voices of her brothers beside her. The scene of their hotel balcony shoot out plagues her head, flashing images across her eyes like a slideshow as she recounts the confusing experience. She tugs at the small lump in her coat pocket, nails tracing over the smooth fabric covered object for a moment before she finally plucks it out. The bullet. Or, at least, what was left of it. The cone of amber metal seemed to have melted down into a puddle, bronze rings outlining every case within the small projectile.

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