-No Drinks In The Library-

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"That's enough, Five"

"It's never enough..."

"Give me the bottle-"


Not bothering to ask him again, (y/n) is quick to snatch the nearly half empty bottle of amber liquor from his shaking fingers. The strong smelling liquid sloshes against the thick glass. Following him through the streets of New York to find a library that could solve their little doomsday issue, (y/n) had found herself admiring the confidence her brother had carried. He wanted to save the world so he was going to make sure that he could. She couldn't believe how fast that passion seemed to seep out of him, the younger looking boy now curled up into himself after only a few hours of reading and getting nowhere. Five, eyes half open and bloodshot as he reaches out for the alcohol, let's out a huff of frustration

"Last time I checked-" He begins, words slurring slightly as he tries to poorly cover the sway of his body, "-I'm older than you, (y/n). That means you have to listen to me"

"And last time I checked-" She counters through clenched teeth, her (e/c) eyes searching his for any sign of coherency, "-we were supposed to be trying to stop the apocalypse, Five, not...hiding out in some dusty library while you indulge in your borderline obsessive dependence on bourbon!"

Five, scoffing lightly, suddenly thrusts his hands forward to try and yank the bottle from her hands. His fingers pass straight through the glass, knuckles roughly slamming into the metal railing beside the pair. He cringes at the burning sensation beginning it's slow crawl across his hand

"That's cheating!" He whines like a child, watching through narrowed eyes as (y/n) continues to use her powers on the bottle grasped in her hand

"I'm trying to help you, Five!"

Theres a long silence that falls upon the pair, Five unable to face the girl and instead focusing his attention onto the mess of books strewn about the grey carpeted floor beneath them. (y/n), letting out a tired sounding sigh, places the bottle down next to her and reaches over to grab a gentle hold of his hand. He lets her, still never meeting her eyes. Turning the limb over, she examines the deep red bruising making its way across his knuckles.

"The week before you disappeared-" she begins softly, thumb feather-light across the back of his hand as she continues, "-I started my individual training sessions with Dad. He would drag me to the pool and shove me into the deep end while I screamed at him to stop. He'd tell me I wasn't allowed to leave the water until I was able to hold my breath longer than I did the day before."

"You cried every day that week..." Five recalls the way his heart ached for his sister, watching from afar as she tried her best to hide her emotions from her siblings. They always teased her for being so sensitive, but he remembers feeling awful for the girl that week. Something about the way she closed herself off from them hurt him more than anything

"I did"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Do you remember what happened the night before you time traveled?" She asks, her gaze soft as she meets his steel colored eyes. He shakes his head gently, a hint of sobriety in his face as he watches her carefully


"I almost drowned that day-" she explains quietly, shivering at the feeling of her fathers hands clasped upon her shoulders as he held her body down in the freezing waters, "-and instead of being angry at Dad, I was angry at myself. Convinced that I was a failure for not being strong enough to complete my training...that is, until someone very important to me said something I'll never forget."

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