-Detectives In The Suburbs-

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The Suburbs. The place in which neighbors are strangers that act like they've known you their entire lives, faces painted in painfully polite smiles if you ever have the misfortune of interacting with one another. The place in which living in uncomfortably organized homes that dot fields of pavement like a maze of perfectly trimmed lawns and power washed brick is the standard. The standard that (y/n) couldn't help but crave no matter how much she despised it. She supposes it because she knew that this is what normal was meant to be and, after all, normal is all she's ever wanted, right?

"Be careful, okay?" (y/n) hears her sister Allison call out, head turning to the side to watch as the woman slides out from the now parked car, "We don't know what Peabody's capable of."

Following suit, crawling her way out of the already open door that Allison had left for her, (y/n) hops out onto the sidewalk next to her sister and Diego who stood with arms raised above their hands to block out the setting sun above them.

"Yeah?" Diego is quick to respond to Allison, glancing over his shoulder to throw a doubtful look in her direction, "He didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kind of scrawny."

"So are most serial killers and mass murders" (y/n) points out through a small smile, Diego rolling his eyes at the sight

"She's right, I mean-" Allison begins, quickly scanning the area until her gaze lands upon a very battered looking Five making his way towards them, "-look at him."

"Thanks" Five sighs in response, limping his way up the cobblestone driveway of Leonard Peabody's home.

With stained red bricks and a white wood trim, the home stands tall above the group as they line themselves up just before the steps to its porch. Just like Leonard, the home looked as average as the ones it stood between, healthy ferns and potted plants lining the path they stood upon. (y/n) suspects this was just another mask they had to uncover, another disguise to keep them pacified. Ripped from her thoughts from the sound of thudding steps, (y/n) turns to watch as Five and Diego clamber up the cracked stone stairs to the home. She is quick to follow after, not bothering to mention the fact that she saw Allison's form disappear into a group of hydrangeas near the side.

"What does this Leonard guy want with Vanya anyways?" (y/n) hears Diego question the pair behind him, Five shoving his hands into his pockets as (y/n) leans her body against the wooden railing beside her

"I'm not sure" Five shrugs, steel eyes scanning the stained glass door that greeted the group, "Maybe we can ask him after we kill him."

As he says this, the young looking boy begins to stalk forward. Diego is quick to stop in in his tracks, reaching out a hand to Five's chest just before he is able to touch the gold doorknob

"Woah woah woah" Diego speaks as if he's trying to calm a horse, (y/n) laughing at the way Five's face scrunches up in response, "Look, I'm just going to burst through and then-"

He's cut short, mouth open in disbelief as he looks at the pair standing before him. Emphasis on 'pair'. Noticing that he's short one hot-headed siblings, Diego scoffs before letting his gloved hands rest at his hips

"Where's Allison?"

"Probably already in the house by now" (y/n) suggests lightly, not able to hide the amusement that crosses her features when she notes the way Diego's eyebrows furrow in frustration

"You know what? It would be nice for people to just stick to the-"

Five blinks out of existence in the middle of his sentence, (y/n) and Diego the only ones left standing on the porch. Letting out a groan, fists balled up in anger, Diego finally turns to (y/n) who only smiles teasingly in response

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