-Blood On The Carpet And A Story To Tell-

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"I think this is it?" (y/n) whispers to herself, her lonely form standing underneath a lemon yellow light. Pulling out the tattered napkin, she looks in between the numbers scribbled on it's surface and the metal numbers bolted to the mahogany door in front of her. They match. Stuffing the soft white cloth back into her coat pocket, she holds her closed fist to the door. She knocks. Listening quietly, her ears pick up the faint sound of voices. Two to be exact.

"Uh, Vanya?" She calls out hesitantly, gently rapping her knuckles onto the wood again ,"It's-uh-me? (y/n)?"

As soon as the words leave (y/n)'s mouth, the door swings open, revealing a slightly disheveled Vanya. Looking at Vanya's nervous form and the way it seems her sisters eyes avoid looking directly at her, she clears her throat and offers a kind smile

"I can come back some other time if you're busy-"

"Let her in" familiar voice suddenly interrupts ,"She should probably hear this too..."

Vanya, stepping aside to reveal the inside of her home, shyly motions for (y/n) to step inside. Quickly removing her thick jacket and holding it against her body, she walks into the apartment. There, sitting comfortably in a tan armchair in the corner, was her brother Number Five. Studying his form, she notices splotches of dried blood on his white button up. Her (e/c) eyes fill with concern.

"Five?" She makes her way over the the small couch opposite to him, her soft voice hesitant ,"What are you doing here?"

"I think he climbed through my window"

"He climbed through your window?" (y/n) echoes meeting Vanya's tired gaze. Five sighs loudly

"Not important" he quickly replies, motioning for Vanya to come and sit down next to (y/n). Once she complies, sinking down into the soft cushions, he leans back in his own chair and eyes the two carefully.

"I've decided that you two are the only ones I can trust" He begins, fidgeting with his fingers nervously. It's then that (y/n) and Vanya both notice the deepening red blotch of blood seeping through the arm of his navy jacket.

"Why us?" Vanya asks, still eyeing the blood stain cautiously

"Because, unlike our other egotistical siblings, you'll listen to me." There's a few brief moments of silence, the two girls unsure of how to respond to his suddenly serious tone. Noticing the blood beginning to stain Vanya's arm chair, (y/n) finally speaks.

"Vanya, do you have any medical supplies here?" (y/n) turns to look at her sister who nods quickly before leaving the room to grab them. Turning back to Five, (y/n) offers an almost motherly smile

"You can tell us what's on your mind while we bandage you up, okay?" Just as she says this, Vanya is back with a small first aid box. Helping Five roll up his sleeve, apologizing quietly when his nose scrunches up in pain, (y/n)'s eyes widen slightly at what she sees. On his forearm, a dangerously deep gash makes it's way across the length of the muscle. Vanya let's out a deep exhale of breath, her face contorting slightly in discomfort at the sight. Asking for some disinfectant, (y/n) uses her hands to gently wipe away at the wound, cleaning off the drying blood as best as she can. Five's steel gaze moves between the two girls focused intensely on his wound.

"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future-" Both girls looks up to meet his eyes ,"do you know what I found?"

"What?" Vanya asks carefully

"Nothing" (y/n) freezes, staring up into his eyes that seem to be holding a lifetime of sadness behind them, "Absolutely nothing."

"Five-" (y/n)'s concerned voice is soft as she tries to continue cleaning his wound. He ignores her, seemingly unfocused. It was as if he was reliving what he saw right before her. The two watch silently as he continues

"As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive," He stares out of the glass window next to the chair, eyes reflecting the dark cityscape before him, yellow and orange light blinking like fireflies ,"I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else...The date it happens"

Bringing back his blue eyed gaze to the girls staring at him in disbelief, he clenches his jaw tightly. The muscles near his ears move upon the force.

"The world ends in eight days" He states, his voice filled with such an unwavering certainty, it brought chills down (y/n)'s spine ,"and I have no idea how to stop it."

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