-Parting Ways-

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Two short glass cups clink lightly together as they are lifted from their shelf, gentle fingers grasping their edges as (y/n) sets them down onto the birch wood table. Leaving and coming back with a tall bottle of Bacardi she steals from the dust covered bar, she pours the strong alcohol into each cup. (y/n) gingerly grabs a hold of the glass with the smaller amount of the toxic smelling liquor and places it to her lips. Taking a small sip, she sighs at the burning sensation that makes its way down her throat.

"Whoa there, Casper!" (y/n) can feel a small smile stretch across her lips at the sound of her brother's friendly teasing ,"Thought you'd be more of a wine type of chick"

"It's been a stressful day" She chuckles lightly, watching from the corner of her eyes as Klaus takes a seat next to her. Pushing the other glass towards him, she offers a small cheers before taking a long swig. Her eyebrows furrow instinctively at the slightly painful feeling. She was never one to drink her worries away, opting to resort to more healthy coping mechanisms when life got hard, but today seemed to be the exception.

"Tell me about it" Klaus mumbles, downing the drink at a somewhat horrifying speed. Slamming the glass back onto the table and refilling it quickly, he gives the girl a goofy smirk to which she lets out a loud laugh. Before the two are able to enjoy their comfortable alone time, just basking in the warm yellow hue of the dining area, Five strides into the room and heads straight to the kitchen cabinets. He's confident in his walk and never takes his eyes off of his goal, an aspect of his personality that he possessed even when they were kids.

"Klaus, (y/n)" He greets plainly, avoiding the two's curious eyes as he throws open the cabinet doors.

"Looking for something, little guy?" Klaus teases, his words slurring ever so slightly. Five, completely ignoring the taller sibling, continues his raid. (y/n) laughs. In between the giggles however, she noticed her sister Vanya standing awkwardly in the doorway, coat wrapped tightly around her small frame as if she was ready to go somewhere.

"Hey, Vanya" (y/n) greets kindly, offering a friendly smile to the nervous looking girl. Upon hearing her name being called, Vanya seems to grow even more anxious, staring down at her own hands as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I'm uh-" She hesitates, curling into herself ,"-I-I'm gonna head on home. Called a taxi and it should be here in a second."

The three siblings seem to stop whatever they're doing, all turning in their spots to stare at the girl with wide eyes. (y/n) could tell that Vanya was feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Something told her this had to do with what Diego had said earlier. Setting down her glass, (y/n) clears her throat suddenly.

"Oh, uh...Already?"

"Yeah, it's just uh-" Vanya scratches the back of her neck ,"I don't really belong here, you know? So, figured I should just say my goodbyes and leave."

Klaus awkwardly glances around the room, visibly unsure of how to respond to his sister. Five decides that his little cabinet raid was more important than what Vanya had to say and continues to loudly scrounge around through the kitchen. Vanya sighs quietly, beginning to leave the room.

"Wait!" (y/n) calls after her ,"What about our sleepover?"

"Sleepover?" Vanya slowly turns on her heels and leans against the door, her eyes evidently tired. (y/n) smiles shyly under her sisters gaze

"Y-yeah...Remember?" She begins ,"I wanted to stop by, maybe sleepover...Do all that cliché bonding stuff sisters do in the movies? We didn't really get to catch up, you know?"

Vanya's eyes widen slightly, staring at the girl sitting comfortably at the table. Looking into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, she could very clearly see the glistening desire the girl had just expressed. A small chuckle escaped her lips. (y/n) smiles at the unfamiliar sight.

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