-Putting The Name To A Face-

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With the sun delicately wrapped in a blanket of cloud, woolen gray sky the sullen backdrop to the dance they performed, the purr of an engine fills (y/n)'s ears as she leans back comfortably in her leather seat. Taking in a deep breath, calming her anxious heart, she lets her warm (e/c) gaze fall upon the tall form seated next to her. Her sister Allison. Since they had left their home, (y/n) couldn't help but notice the frown that had seemingly taken permanent residence on the girls face

"Are you doing okay?" She asks the question gently, voice soft enough to not bother the two boys seated in the front of the car. Allison shrugs her shoulders, not meeting (y/n)'s eyes

"As okay as I can be" Allison lets herself smile for a moment, quoting (y/n)'s words, before her expression turns sour again, "I just wish that we weren't so split up again."

When Five had asked if the family was willing to help him figure out how to stop the apocalypse, along with (y/n) who had made it clear that she didn't have anything better to do, Diego and Allison were quick to jump aboard the doomsday train. Luther and Klaus however decided that they weren't needed. With Luther investigating his moon missions, Klaus dealing with his own demons, and Vanya understandably taking time away from them, that left four siblings total to do a job that required all eight of them.

"They'll come to their senses soon enough" (y/n) reassures, turning to the side to watch as their car slows to a stop. Five scoffs from the passenger seat, eyeing (y/n) through the silver reflection of the mirror ahead of him

"Three days" he reminds her harshly, (y/n) scowling at the way he carelessly dismantled her work to make Allison feel better, "By the time they come to their senses, they'll be dead. We all will."

"Thank you, Five" (y/n) hisses back through gritted teeth, the boy tossing a sarcastic smile over his shoulder before he's turning to face the tense looking man seated in the driver's seat beside him

"Why'd you stop driving?" Five suddenly questions, brows furrowed across his forehead as he scans the crowded city that surrounded them, "Getting cold feet or something?"

"I'm not-" Diego bites back an insult, taking a moment to breath before continuing, "This Jenkins dude is going to have a record. We need to get our hands on his file."

When his words settle upon the group, all eyes turn to peer out of glass windows to see abalone sidewalks and tall brick buildings. Just a few feet away was a rusted payphone, a navy sign bolted to the wall right beside it to indicate the entrance to the police station in front of them. Officers walk in and out of the revolving doors, forms mere shadows within the glass merry-go-round as they scurry like rats through the station. Taking a moment to glance at Diego through his rearview mirror, (y/n) notes the discomfort poorly hidden behind his stoic expression.

"And your plan is to just waltz in there and ask for it?" Allison interrogates, earning an eye roll from Diego who looks less than pleased to be questioned

"I know this station like the back of my hand, sis" he argues, cocky smile on full display when he turns to address Allison directly, "I've spent a lot of time inside."

"Behind bars?" (y/n) teases, grinning at the glare he gives her

"Whatever." He huffs quickly before turning his attention back onto the rest of the group, "Here's the plan-"

"Plan?" Five echoes suddenly before motioning with his bruised hand towards the station's doors, "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

Apparently appalled by the suggestion, Diego is quick to fire back, "You don't know the ins and outs of this place like I do."

"It'll take me two seconds" Five insists, Allison silently agreeing from her spot behind them, before adding, "Why don't I just go? It'll be easier for everyone-"

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