-"Death" Means "Family Reunion"-

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(y/n) stares at the massive wooden door before her, itching the back of her neck as she takes a moment to remind herself to breathe. Her heart screamed within its cage of bone, telling her to go back to the safety of her dorm. She can't help but get goosebumps when she hears the faint voices inside.

"Here goes nothing..." She sighs quietly to herself. She shakily brings up a fist to the door, staring at her own knuckles as they barely hit the dark stained wood. It was taking everything in her to not bolt from the door step as soon as the last knock echoed from inside. Shaking at the thought of having to face her family again after all of these years, she crosses her arms and stares down at her own feet


(y/n) whips her head up and stares wide eyed at the familiar face before her.

"Pogo!" She exclaims at the small chimpanzee. She feels the corners of her mouth pull up into a smile as she begins to relax in his benevolent eyes.

"It's s nice to see you, (y/n)" He begins, taking her hand in his to guide her into the home, "I'm so glad you could make it."

"Of course, Pogo" She replies kindly, placing a gentle hand on top of his furry knuckles in a reassuring way ,"It's so nice to see you too"

He lets his gaze wander on her for a moment before chuckling softly to himself. Almost in disbelief at the sight of her. She kneels down onto her knee to wrap him up in her arms, nuzzling the small ape and breathing in his comforting scent.

"How have you been?" (y/n) questions as she pulls away from him. He stays quiet for a brief moment before smiling sadly

"Things could be better, but things could also be worse" he admits quietly. She nods in understanding and places a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it slightly before letting it fall back to her side. He lets out a loud sigh before taking a moment to look around the room.

"You're the last person to arrive" He begins, returning his gaze onto her ,"You should try to go and say hello"

"'hello'?" (y/n) nervously picks at her fingernails ,"Sounds a lot easier than it is"

Pogo chuckles lightly before walking closer and completely shifting his gaze onto the large staircase behind her.

"It's going to be tough, my dear." He sighs again before pointing a shaky finger towards the stairs ,"But, I'm sure you'll be fine."

She turns around on her heels and lets her eyes follow his hands direction, her gaze slowly landing on a large figure standing at the top of the staircase. She gulps down the lump in her throat and gives a nervous smile to Pogo

"You can do it, (y/n)" He whispers confidently.

Before she knew it, he was walking away and disappearing into the other room. She lets out a sigh and returns her eyes to the figure still standing quietly at the top of the stairs. (y/n) lets herself take a moment to really look at the tall silhouette. Her eyes widen in surprise once she registers that the incredibly muscular man is actually her brother Luther. Number One.

"Luther?" She calls out hesitantly. The man makes his way to the bottom of the stairs and looks at her for a moment. His eyebrows are furrowed as he tries to figure out who she is

"(y/n)?" He replies after a short while through an awkward smile. She takes a few steps forward and gasps at the sight of him

"I can't believe it's you!" She glances down and back up again before reaching out and hugging him lightly ,"How did you get so big?"

"Late bloomer" He chuckles lightly patting her on the shoulder. When she pulls away from him he studies her for a moment.

"What happened to you? It's like you dropped off the face of the earth after you left-" He stops suddenly and his gaze turns behind her. (y/n), confused, turns around and smiles at the girl standing in the doorway. Her sister Allison grins back.

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