-In This Family, Plans Never Work-

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Standing beneath an ocean colored sky, mist-like clouds rolling slowly across the lapis horizon, Diego passes a small device over to the girl beside him as he continues to instruct her

"-we gotta stick this in a place they won't notice."

Taking the blinking square into her hand, (y/n) watches in curiosity as it whirs to life between her fingers, (h/c) eyebrows raising slightly at the tingling sensation upon her palm when it vibrates.

"What is it, a bomb?" she questions quietly, (e/c) eyes glancing up towards the hotel room the pair had just seen their target walk into, "Are we going to blow their car up or something?"

"It's not a bomb, Dumbo-" Diego grumbles as he crouches down next to the run-down vehicle beside them, motioning with a wave of his gloved hand for her to do the same, "-it's a tracking device. After what those asshats did to our family...I'm not letting them have the chance to escape this time."

"Aw, Digs, you really do care about us."

"Just shut up and put the thingy in the dashboard"

Laughing quietly to herself, (y/n) does as she is told to avoid further frustrating the man despite how entertaining it was to see how far his eyebrows furrowed upon his forehead. Clutching the device between her fingers, she thrusts her arm through the metal of the vehicle and blindly attaches the tracking chip onto a hollow opening behind the steering wheel. Tapping it a few times to ensure it adhered to something, she removes her limb and becomes fully tangible once more.

"So-" (y/n) sighs, "-should I go and grab Klaus so we can get this party started?"

"You and Klaus aren't going to be a part of this party-"

"Diego, don't-"

"No, (y/n)" Diego cuts the girl off rather harshly, lowering his voice as he forces her to stand up with him from their crouching position, "I'm not going to argue with you. You and Klaus are staying back"

Without saying another word, Diego drags the shorter girl back towards the car as she mumbles out protests, sticking her in the backseat and tossing her one of his switchblades before slamming the door with more force than necessary. Pointing a finger to the glass window that separated him and his sister, he sighs loud enough to be heard through the thin layer between them

"You two wait here until I get back-"

"Diego, we can help you-!"

"Zip-it, Casper" Diego interrupts her again, voice muffled by the glass as he continues to play up his big brother role, "I can't risk losing you two right now, alright? So, stay. If I don't make it back-"


"If I don't make it back-" the man repeats, enunciating every word as he moves his gaze from one sibling to the next, "-go and get help."

He leaves. Gone like some mysterious comic book hero off to save the day. As soon as his shadowed form disappears within the archway of one of the metal staircases near the side of the building though, (y/n) uses her powers to slide out of the parked car and knocks onto the passenger window. It would be a cold day in hell before she ever let herself be benched. Klaus blinks hard at the girl through the glass, inebriated gaze barely able to focus onto her figure as she pulls open his door

"What're you doing, Ghostie-" the question comes out as a barely coherent mumble, (y/n) quick to snatch the bottle of rum from his tattooed hands, "-we're supposed to stay here, Diego said so"

She tosses the half-empty bottle into a bush behind her before grabbing a hold of Klaus' hand, gingerly lifting him out of the vehicle until he's swaying upon his own two feet. Dusting his clothes off, she offers a sly smile, the boy naturally returning the expression upon seeing it

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