Ch 4: A Misunderstanding

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"I'm staying with you all week!? Really?" Kid Naruto jumped around kid Sasuke's room in elation. "You're for real?"

"That's what my parents said." Kid Sasuke angled his head as he set down a corner of the block he was holding on the ground. "Your apartments broken or something. I don't know. It's just for a few days til it's fixed up." He twisted his wrist and let go making his toy block spin around like a top. His cheek puffed out a glum gleam in his eyes as he watched it dance around.

Kid Naruto watched Kid Sasuke in awe and fascination. "That was so cool! Sasuke, how'd you do that?"

"Tch, like I'm telling you." Kid Sasuke replied chin rested on his fists. "Figure it out yourself, loser."

"Your so mean." Kid Naruto complained and kid Sasuke hummed in affirmation. The clock chimed on the wall. Kid Sasuke pouted to himself as he saw the time and started picking up his toys.

"Hey, what are you putting everything away for?" Kid Naruto stared in confusion. "Those brick things are fun!"

"Gotta clean up." Kid Sasuke tossed an orange toy block at the blonde. It nailed him in the forehead. Kid Naruto knocked right off his feet from the blow. "It's bedtime, blockhead."

"Wha~? Ow!"  Kid Naruto covered his forehead. That had really smarted. "But Sasuke! I'm not even tired!" Kid Naruto protested kicking his feet.

"Well I am. A ninja gets his rest." Kid Sasuke crawled into bed, he grabbed his dinosaur and hugged it snuggling up under his comforter. "Itachi promised he'd train with me tomorrow before his mission. I've gotta get up early so be quiet."

"Oh." Kid Naruto blinked. "Okay." Kid Naruto pulled his knees up to his chest.He rocked a little flopping over to lie down. Sasuke had gifted him a pillow and a sheet to cocoon himself in. But the floor was hard and getting comfortable in such a strange new place was even harder. The floorboards creaked under him. Kid Naruto froze looking scared. Sasuke's house was big and echoey. What if there were ghosts?

Kid Sasuke peaked an eye open at him. Kid Sasuke sighed. Mistaking Kid Naruto's shiver of terror for one of being cold. Kid Sasuke lifted his comforter. "Come here, quit chattering. It's annoying."

Kid Naruto's eyes widened, he grinned happily snatching up his pillow leaping to join Kid Sasuke under the covers. "Gee thanks Sasuke."

"Whatever just go to sleep idiot." Kid Sasuke told him. They both snuggled in on their separate sides and drifted off.

In the middle of the night Kid Naruto had to take a whizz. He got out of bed and went to do his business. He wiped his hands on his pants on his way back, scratching at his bum. He yawned sleepily. Sasuke would be horrified to find he didn't wash them.

"I can't even look at him."

Kid Naruto paused by a shut door. That was Sasuke's dad. Why were his parents up? Sasuke had said it was bedtime. He pressed his ear to it listening in. Curious.

Mikoto sighed. "You're going to have to tomorrow."

"I don't have to do anything." Fugaku denied. "I'm head of this clan. I do as I please."

"He's your son."

"He's no son of mine. I'm disowning him."


"I mean it. The nerve he has..."

"You're talking nonsense. Sasuke's done nothing wrong."

"Nothing? " Fugaku countered. "What about getting into bed with that damned Uzumaki?"  

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