Ch 15: Somethings Wrong

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!! Hey guys! Before you start reading, just a quick trigger warning there are some mentions and allusions to self harm in this chapter (courtesy of the Sasuke's 😰😬).

Just wanted to let you know in case that's a topic that's difficult for you and you wanted to skip out on this chap.

However if you want to read it then you have been warned and go right ahead. ->


Little Naruto knew something was up when his older self had been pulled all sneaky like out of the bathroom while he himself was washing his hands. It was the way grown Sasuke lowered his voice and hid his lips from his line of sight that made him suspicious. Whatever he said must've been real bad what with the way his own older self's expression went cold. The two disappeared together in a blink from his view. Something had to be wrong. Though Little Naruto acted like he was unaware. Lest grumpy old Sasuke snap at him for being nosy and following after.

He focused on getting his hands clean. It took him a good minute to scrub all the paint flecks that had caked onto his skin away. He didn't want to end up with broken torn off fingers. Sasuke always followed through on threats. No way that changed when he grew up. But once his hands were void of paint and would pass an inspection by Kage Sasuke, he dried them and journeyed downstairs. He was careful not to make a sound. He wanted to see where him and Sasuke's older self had gone off too.

The aroma of fresh cooked meat hit his nose as he made the ground floor. Sizzling spices and flavors he'd never had the opportunity to freshly taste teased him. The kind that came out of those fancy restaurants that threw pitchers of water and bowls of cold noodle veggie infested soup at him if he loitered by the door for too long. The kind whose chefs would call him a rat and chase after him with sharp knives and metal ladles when he was caught digging through their bins like a raccoon when his cash ran short and he was desperate for a bite. His mouth grew wet with saliva. The mouth watering smell made him remember how hungry he was. His stomach growled traitorously announcing his presence just as he was passing the kitchen doorway.

He eeped and sprinted from sight almost tripping over his feet as he went by. He glued his back to the hallway wall wincing his eyes shut. He waited a minute. Two. Nothing. He hadn't been spotted or so he thought. He was suddenly scooped up from behind by his older self and paraded into the kitchen where Sasuke's family was already seated. A silent Sasuke carried in just behind him by his own older self.

Mikoto smiled cheerfully at the group of them as they entered. Fugaku's expression didn't change. The man was sour. Itachi just looked like he wanted to be anywhere but at the table.

"Alright! Who's hungry? Oh, this all looks so good ya know. " Kage Naruto grinned swinging his younger self around. Little Naruto laughed happily as he was spun, his eyes closed. While his kid self was distracted, (Sasuke's own kid self was resting his head down against the shadow kage's shoulder), Naruto risked wrecking the whole meal before it started and deposited a quick loving kiss on his fellow kage's lips. Because fuck everyone else.

No comments were made this time. Fugaku was biting his tongue. He could complain about the whole thing to Mikoto later when the boys left. Itachi didn't care to comment and start something. Whatever scolding he'd do would only earn a rather loud argument that wouldn't help his head any so he wisely stayed silent. Mikoto had actually smiled at the gesture. It was nice to know her son was so loved.

Little Naruto smiled at little Sasuke as he was set down between him and his brother. Only for it to falter as he really looked at his friend. Little Sasuke's bangs were shadowing his eyes, his head was kept ducked down. Tiny Naruto frowned. He leaned down in an attempt to see under his hair. But the little Uchiha moved to rest his left arm on the table. An effective block to keep his face shielded from blue eyes. As little Sasuke's sleeve moved up the white tie of a bandage was poking well out of the long sleeve. That had not been on his wrist when he was getting his nails done earlier.

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