Ch 5: Take a Breath

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Sasuke and Naruto were still in the entryway. Mikoto and Fugaku out of sight in the kitchen. But they were there. Oh, they were there.

"Sasuke." Naruto's eyes were on his husband. He knew that look. He knew better than to risk touching him right now. The Uchiha would electrocute even him. The sudden negative shift in Sasuke's chakra had attracted a storm. That was never good. His kirin was never far behind. "You should take a breath."

He probably should, given what he did to his brother, but he wasn't going to. Not this time. Naruto's kid self was missing. His own kid self was heartbroken over it, worrying out of his mind. His parents were to blame for it all.

"You heard that note as well as I did. They're conspiring to split us up, end our marriage-." Sasuke's fists clenched. The Uchiha absolutely seething. He didn't take any damned breaths. He let his anger swell. He had every right to be pissed off right now. "-stop us even being so much as friends as children. They already drove your younger self away from mine and you expect me to calm down, Naruto? Like Hell. They crossed a line. "

"I know." Naruto decided to take a risk. He had to stop this. Nip out Sasuke's anger before things went nuclear. He felt a tingle on his palm as he slid his hand to Sasuke's cheek. It burned a little but it wasn't too bad. He slid it to rest on his neck. Felt Sasuke's racing pulse with his thumb. "I'm not denying that whatever my younger self must have heard was messed up. I'm as hurt as you are about it, but we can't lose our heads here. Okay? It won't fix things. It'll just make you feel worse. What we need to do is sit and talk this out."

"Your kid self wrote it himself. They think you're a monster. My own can you expect me to be civil after an insult like that? They deserve a piece of our minds. Why protect them?"

"I'm not." Impossible blue eyes met rage full obsidian. "I'm protecting you."

Sasuke sighed, leaning his head to the side to rest against Naruto's. He felt Sasuke inhale sharply. "That's it," Naruto encouraged him. Thumb stroking lightly at his neck. "There you go." Good. The gamble was paying off. Sasuke was calming. Everything was going to be okay. They could have a nice respectable sit down now. Nobody would lose their shit. "Just breathe sweetheart."

In the kitchen, Fugaku opened up his newspaper rather violently. His mutter was illegible, but the words hadn't been kind. Sasuke knew exactly what it was in response to. Had the pet name been on the girly side? Yes. Did Sasuke care? Not in the slightest. It was just Naruto's stupid way of letting him know he was loved. That he was precious. Sasuke treasured all those stupid little names and his father had openly scoffed at one. Mocked their love under his breath. Big mistake. Colossal.

Sasuke lifted his head, sparks at his fingers, anger rekindled. Sasuke'd had it. Naruto's eyes widened in alarm.


"Sasuke wait-" Naruto made to grab Sasuke's arm too late. He couldn't catch him. His husband was too fast. He ate floorboard as he tripped over the step into the main house. He pushed himself up watching Sasuke stride through the kitchen doorway.

"Sasuke-" Mikoto tried and failed to speak to her son. Sasuke passed his mother like she was nothing but a ghost. He kicked the kitchen table his father was sitting in front of sending it skidding to the other side of the room. The breakfast contents flying everywhere, the tea spilling to the floor. Mikoto startled, eyes widening as she stumbled back away from the cabinets which rattled.

Fugaku's morning paper was ripped from his grip, the paper burned away to ashes on the floor in seconds by lightning. Sasuke grabbed his father by the front of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. Sasuke threw him to the wall. He pinned him there with his arm. "What you think of me or my marriage, your feelings about either, they're inconsequential. You've made enough remarks. What Naruto and I have your not allowed to touch it. You can't."

"Such a union is shameful, Sasuke. You know better. I didn't raise you to-"

"You didn't raise me as much as you think you ignorant son of a bitch."

"Sasuke!" Mikoto was shocked by his words.

"Oh, boy..." Naruto sighed from the doorway. This wasn't gonna be pretty. He looked to the window. He could see kirin flying about the clouds. A jutsu so tied to Sasuke's emotions that it was alive. He hoped it didn't come hurtling through the wall or the roof.

"Get the hell off me." Fugaku warned. "You insolent-"

"What? Brat? Do I look like a child to you?" Sasuke growled. "I'm not a little boy confused over my feelings. I know that I love him." Sasuke was fierce. "That I want to live my life with him. There is no shame in that."

"There is every shame-"

"The only shame is that i'm stuck with having an asshole like you as a father." Sasuke pressed him harder into the wall. Kirin's face flashed in the glass pane behind Sasuke. The dragons red eye glowing alongside Sasuke's sharingan. "You're a dead man. I don't say that because your gonna die soon. I say it because I look at you and there's not a shred of love in your eyes. No compassion. There never has been. Not towards me. You make me feel nothing but contempt. But Naruto? He makes me feel alive. Makes me feel seen and heard. He's my reason for being. My guiding sun when I'm lost in darkness. The wind that fans my fire til it flares. He completes me in every way. If you don't like my relationship that's fine. You don't have to. You can ignore it like you already do me. You've never had trouble tuning me out before. Why pick now to pay attention? I wasted my childhood vying for your approval. I'm not wasting a shred of my adult life trying to please scum like you."

He stepped back releasing his father.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go see about a boy." He turned his back on his father.

"Naruto, let's go." He grabbed his husbands arm. "We're done here."

Naruto sighed in relief, nodding his head. He let Sasuke pull him towards the door. The Uzumaki just happy to be getting out of there before any jutsu went flying.

"Sasuke..." Mikoto looked ready to cry. She walked slowly to the kitchen doorway.

"I'm sorry for the mess." Sasuke looked over his shoulder at her from the front door. His sharingan blazing. "...I won't apologize for more than that. Nothing else I've said, nor anything I've done. We won't be back today."

The two men walked out as lightning flashed. His mother ran to the door, but it was too late. The sky was clear and bright. The storm was gone. Sasuke had left with Naruto.

Woohoo! Here's another chapter guys! Exciting stuff to come! I'm really feelin this story. Are you feeling it? Liking Adult Sasunaru/Narusasu? Fugaku got off easy but the story's still young. Next chapter will be out soon! Tell me what you thought of this one in the comments!

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